Best Minecraft 1.18 Seeds

Minecraft 1.18 Seeds (March 2025)

Here's a list of the best Minecraft 1.18 to get started in the new Caves and Cliffs part 2 update.

Whenever a new Minecraft update comes out, such as 1.18, players use it as an opportunity to begin again on a new world. Starting fresh is always a fun experience, and sometimes, players want to start on a seed they know is flush with resources and points of interest. We’ve compiled a list of the best Minecraft 1.18 seeds to help you get started.

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Everyone has different playstyles in Minecraft, which means everyone’s version of the best Minecraft 1.18 seeds will be different. We try to include a variety of seeds that will give all types of players some choices. You can find the list below.

Best Minecraft 1.18 Seeds

All of these Minecraft 1.18 seeds will work in both Java and Bedrock Editions. However, do note that some villages, mansions, and monuments may have different spawn points. Our noted locations will likely differ if you are on Bedrock Edition.

Plains and Peaks

Best Minecraft 1.18 Seeds - Plains and Peaks

In this seed, courtesy of abfielder, players begin in a forest surrounded by plains biome. There is a nearby village, as well as a village up to the right nearby some icy peaks in the distance. In the opposite direction, players can find a lake with some steep banks, which would make a good location for an overlooking house.

Below at (61, -25, -401), there’s a big dripstone cave you can explore.

  • Seed: 264846414
  • Version: Java

Island Mountains, Village, and Outpost Seed

Image via Reddit

Here’s a seed sourced via Reddit that you can use to spawn on an island with jagged peaks and mountains, a village, and an outpost nearby. The larger island to the east contains a village in the sunflower plains, while the smaller one is in a flower forest.

  • Seed: 3969420520284585470
  • Version: Java

Ice World

Best Minecraft 1.18 Seeds - Ice World

In this seed, courtesy of abfielder, players spawn on top of a cliff overlooking an icy biome. It’s a frozen-themed world, with plenty of frozen peaks, grove biome, snowy taiga biome, and snow jagged peak biome. Venture far enough to escape into the normal Taiga biome.

There is a huge lush cave to explore around (-429, 35, 585), and it’s definitely a fun one to visit.

  • Seed: 991919396
  • Version: Java

Savannah, Stony Peaks, and Crater Lakes

Best Minecraft 1.18 Seeds - Savannah, Stony Peaks, and Crater Lakes
Image via Reddit

The seed here is courtesy of Reddit, and spawning puts you in a beautiful savannah with stony peaks and crater lakes. Overall, the terrain is very impressive and showcases some impressive world generation in the new update. Nearby spawn you can find about four or so villages, and this is definitely one worth exploring.

  • Seed: 6841401455424705842
  • Version: Java

Lush Cave

Best Minecraft 1.18 Seeds - Lush Cave

If you are looking to explore a gigantic lush cave right near spawn, this is a good Minecraft 1.18 seed courtesy of Reddit. The big lush cave is found at coordinates (267, 40, -180), and is so big you could mistake it for an underground forest.

A nearby village is also located at (296, 80, -840) along the water that you could go check out.

  • Seed: 6096073112523391586
  • Version: Java

Meadow Valley, Frozen Peaks, and Villages

Best Minecraft 1.18 Seeds - Meadow Valley, Frozen Peaks, and Villages

Here’s a seed that spawns you in a meadow valley surrounded by frozen peaks with two villages inside. There is lots of exposed dripstone exposed, as well as underground. As we mentioned, the village will not generate in Bedrock, unfortunately. The terrain should look the same, though.

We recommend this seed if you are looking to spawn right near a couple of villages. Stronghold at (690, 100, 674), Mansion at (7032, 140, 8280). Once again, courtesy of Reddit.

  • Seed: 460628901
  • Version: Java

Bamboo Jungle, Dark Oak Forests, and Lush Caves

Best Minecraft 1.18 Seeds - Bamboo Jungle, Dark Oak Forests, and Lush Caves

For some more tropical rainforest vibes, you can use this seed to spawn in a bamboo jungle that’s nearby some lush caves. There’s an abundance of stony, snowy, and jagged peaks. One section around (536, 233, 109) has a nice-looking dark oak forest surrounded by snowy and icy peaks.

You can spot a huge dark oak forest near the same coordinates. There are a ton of lush caves to explore on this one, with the most prominent ones located at (-69, 10, -35) and (45, 32, 285). Thanks to abfielder for showcasing this one.

  • Seed: 1485988664
  • Version: Java

Jungle Island, Stone Peaks, and Caves

Best Minecraft 1.18 Seeds - Jungle Island, Stone Peaks, and Caves

Another one from Reddit, this one spawns you on jungle islands with huge stone peaks and lots of caves to explore. There’s a nearby village at (-274, 84, 74) and an ocean monument at (334, 59, 13), as well as a nice fortress at 0, 0 in a lava lake.

  • Seed: 1423185990
  • Version: Java

Fish Island

Best Minecraft 1.18 Seeds - Fish Island

Here’s a seed that has one of the most interesting procedurally generated designs we’ve ever seen. At around coordinates (823, 67, -400), there’s a fish-shaped island to check out! There’s a village around (9, 74, -462) and a pyramid located at (144, ~, -288). Overall, there are lots of interesting desert and badlands biomes to explore in this seed. You can also explore some lush caves at (304, ~, 192). Full credit goes to u/TheGamesILove on Reddit for discovering and sharing this one.

  • Seed: 622277024144507548
  • Version: Java

Village Mountain

Minecraft 1.18 Seeds - Village Mountain
Image via Reddit

There might be no better place to start an island than here. Head west from spawn island to coordinates (-416, 128) to find the amazing island pictured above. If you like to build intricate bases influenced by terrain, you may not want to pass this one up. The seed is courtesy of u/szmirgley on Reddit.

  • Seed: -6537256334104833826
  • Version: Java

These are the best Minecraft 1.18 seeds we’ve come across so far. Stay tuned for more updates and we will add more as we have time to explore. Thank you for reading!

Image of Cole Andrews
Cole Andrews
Cole is a lifelong PC gamer who loves FPS, RPG, and MMO games. The first PC game that got him hooked was the Counter-Strike beta in 1999. He has thousands of hours in all of the old-school Blizzard games like Starcraft, Warcraft, and Diablo.