Players diving into Halo Infinite multiplayer’s battle pass may have already noticed the weekly challenges. Completing these is essentially the only way to level up and progress through the battle pass tiers. One of the weekly challenges is to get eliminations using the M247. Simple enough, right? However, newcomers to the franchise may have no idea what this weapon is or where to find it. Here’s how to use the m247 HMG in Halo Infinite.
What is the M247 HMG in Halo Infinite?
The M247 HMG is a weapon mounted on the back of the Warthog vehicle that you can find around maps in Big Team Battle mode. It is an air-cooled weapon used primarily by the United Nations Space Command (UNSC) ground forces and is used as an anti-personnel and anti-vehicle weapon. You can generally find Warthogs with this weapon mounted on the back in maps such as Highpower, Fragmentation, Behemoth, and Deadlock in Big Team Battle mode.

How to use the M247 HMG in Halo Infinite
To use the M247 HMG in Halo Infinite, load into Big Team Battle and look for a Warthog. Hop onto the back of the Warthog, and use the interact key to Operate the M247 HMG. If you are looking to complete the weekly challenge, all you have to do is frag an enemy with it.
Depending on the map, you can find one at spawn at your base start of the Big Team Battle match. If someone snags it from you, another Warthog will spawn at the same location once it’s destroyed.

You can also find mounted M247 HMGs around the map. You can detach these from the tripod and walk around with them, and you might find that to be an easier method of picking up some kills with this weapon. To detach the M247 HMG from its base, operate it and press the middle mouse button on PC. There will be an indicator showing you which button to press to do so.

Published: Nov 18, 2021 04:42 am