Hogwarts Legacy is one of those games that everyone seems to be talking about as soon as it launches. Developed by Avalanche Software and based on the original Wizarding World that was J.K. Rowling’s brainchild, this game takes place in the familiar setting of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Players are able to attend the school and learn different spell incantations, potion recipes and how to grow certain types of plants in the game. Study hard, because there is a rumored Goblin Rebellion afoot, and Dark Wizards are causing their own trouble in Hogsmeade again.
One of the most alluring parts about Hogwarts Legacy is that the game is filled with many side quests, missions and collectibles. These are things that can all be obtained by the player as they journey through the world of this fantastic game. One of these achievements that you can get as you play the main story is know as ‘The Auror’s Apprentice’. In this guide, we will cover how to unlock this achievement in Hogwarts Legacy.
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How Do You Get ‘The Auror’s Apprentice’ Achievement?

There are a few things that you must do to unlock this achievement in the game. Firstly, you must have selected to be in Hufflepuff House for your current playthrough of Hogwarts Legacy. Additionally, you need to be currently completing the quest ‘Jackdaw’s Rest’ or about to start it. Without further ado, here is how you can get this achievement.
To begin, you must be a Hufflepuff on the way to finishing off the aforementioned quest. At the conclusion of this mission, you will discover the Map Chamber where you will meet Percival Rackham. If you are from Hufflepuff, you will automatically be given this exclusive achievement as soon as you discover it and speak with Rackham. Congratulations, and make sure to keep exploring the secrets of Hogwarts!
If you want to let us know how you felt about this guide, go visit Gamer Journalist on our Facebook page! Also, be sure that you check out some more of our tutorials on this magical game like How to Unlock The Seeker of Knowledge Achievement in Hogwarts Legacy and How to Unlock ‘A Sallow Grave’ Achievement in Hogwarts Legacy.
Published: Feb 14, 2023 06:19 am