In true Survival Game fashion, players will have to go through the elements. Especially when Winter arrives. Whilst loading into your playthrough of Sons of the Forest can vary depending the time of season our protagonist lands on the Island, if you have arrived in Winter, things will be much harder for you. The act of finding wood to build your new home, temporary or permanent will prove to be harder than a nice Summer day where you can get your farmer’s tan out. Instead, you are thrown into the deep end to survive the harsh weather conditions of a 5 inch deep snowy biome with Mutants and Cannibals around every corner. For those ready to take on this cold new world, this guide will show you how to successfully survive through the Winter in Sons of the Forest.
How to Survive Winter
How to Get Water
Whilst Winter can hit at any time, those just starting the game inside the cold months will have a harder time getting accustomed to the conditions. Regardless of when Winter arrives for you however, it is best to be prepared. First thing first, you need to find water source. This is the number one thing for your survival in Sons of the Forest, and any situation real or fake for that matter. When deciding where to place your home for the first time in the game, venture into the forest to find a good spot to start building. You need to find an area close to a ever-flowing water source such as a river. A lake will not work as the water is not in constant motion, therefore it freezes when Winter hits.
How to Stay Warm
Because of rivers being the only real source of getting water in Winter, you should set your base extremely close to one so that you have your bare necessity hit when the cold seasons arrive. The next essential to surviving is staying warm. Whilst you have your shelter in the game, you will not have the correct insulation as you will be living like a Caveman in Sons of the Forest. For this reason, fire is your main hope of survival. Torches and creating Campfires will act as the best means of staying warm however players can also pick up the important, Winter Jacket.

The Winter Jacket can be found at the south-west side of the Map, located along the south-west rivers will be an abandoned Camp Site where the Jacket is located inside a red case. You need to follow the rivers flowing from the west down into the south side of the Map where it will end at a waterfall. The Campsite can be found here at the bottom of the waterfall.
How to Skip Winter
Alternatively, you can hibernate through Winter like a bear, if you do not fancy bearing through the snowy adventure. Simply place down a tent and skip through the days by sleeping. You need to press and hold the sleep icon over your tent in order to sleep. Just keep holding this and the days will fly by. After approximately 5 days of skipping, Winter will be over. It is an easy way to fly through the seasons and return to the blissful sunshine.
Those are our tips to surviving Winter in Sons of the Forest. Looking for more Sons of the Forest guides? We have much more available on at Gamer Journalist to fulfil your survival needs.
Published: Mar 8, 2023 05:02 pm