Puppet Combo’s Stay Out of the House released October 13, 2022. With 4 playable parts, including the old Night Shift gameplay which released in 2018 and the new, horrifying experiences of the House and the Bunker. Play the base game in order starting from the Night Shift or go straight to the House and Bunker where there are 4 endings available. Players have the option to skip straight to the Bunker and go for the Mother Ending. To do this, you need to solve every puzzle in the Bunker. What is waiting in store for you in the claustrophobic and twisted tunnels of the Bunker?
Follow our guide to beat Stay Out of the House Part 3: The Bunker Puzzles.
Puzzle 1: System Operational Disk
- You must go into the flooded area of B2 via the vents in B107. Pick up the screwdriver in B106. Turn right in the vents and drop into B2. Swim through and remove the bags from the drains. There are 2 in total to remove.
- Drain the water using the pumps in B107.
- Go to B212 and eject a disk from the computers on the left.
- You need to unlock the security doors in B209 and replace the disk using the one you have in your inventory.
- Take this new disk to B105. Use the disk on the leaking vent pipe.
- Head to B103 and insert the disk into the computer. Here you will see Fatal Error screens and you need to solve the puzzle by moving each square of the grid to its right spot. The grid should read from top to bottom: Blue, Yellow, White and Purple.
- Select the program Access HVAC and Shutdown.

Puzzle 2: Shutdown Keys
This is part of The Bunker section of the Game and is crucial to the Mother Ending. There are 2 Shutdown Keys to find in the Bunker:
Shutdown Key 1
Found in B104. You need Bolt Cutters to get this key. These can be found in the Lobby Area. The man with the revolver dies and the Dog comes into the room. You need to crouch and stay quiet. The dog cannot see well but has very good hearing. The Bolt Cutters are in the far-left corner of the room, on a shelving unit, next to the red barrel. Go to B104 and use the Bolt Cutters on the fence. The first Shutdown Key is behind the cow.
Shutdown Key 2
Found in B202 inside the Footlocker. Get to B2 by draining the water in room B107. This is another bugged code. It should be 1394 as the word is ACID converted into numbers. Some players have got the code 1304. In my playthrough my code was 2405.
Now with both keys, return to B207. Use the revolver that you took from the dying man in the Lobby area to shoot off two doorknobs. Climb down the long ladder after shooting the first doorknob. Follow the path to another locked door and shoot off the doorknob. Go up the stairs and enter the room on your left. The Blue Key Shutdown Codes go into this room, the Red Key Codes go into the room below.
The order to input the Shutdown Codes are as follows:
- Blue Key – B2, A2, C4, B1, B3, C1, A4, C2
- Red Key – A1, B2, C3, B3, A3, A4
Inputting these codes correctly will initiate a 5-minute countdown until self-destruction. To achieve the ending, you must escape within 5-minutes.
Related: How to Solve All Part 3 Puzzles in Stay Out of the House.
Published: Nov 2, 2022 2:02 PM UTC