Dwarf Fortress is the incredible game that is the direct inspiration behind games such as Minecraft and RimWorld. And, like in those games, you need to stay organized if you want to get anywhere. To store your items and keep them sectioned and specialised, you’ll need stockpiles. Here’s how to set up a stockpile in Dwarf Fortress.
How to build stockpiles in Dwarf Fortress
Creating a stockpile
Stockpiles are a great – and vital – way to keep organized and make sure your Dwarf Fortress is running smoothly. Stockpiles are designated areas, underground, where your dwarves will be keeping all of their items.
At the beginning of the game, all of your starting resources will be kept in a wagon, but it’ll all be moved out as soon as you designate a stockpile. When underground (it is generally a good idea to set up shop a couple layers under the surface) you should clear a large area, or numerous smaller areas. Or both. These will become your larger general stockpile, and / or your smaller, specific stockpiles.

Related: How to grow plants in Dwarf Fortress
You don’t need a building for a stockpile, just a zone. Press ‘p’ to get up the stockpile menu. Then press on the button at the bottom to create a new stockpile. Either drag a box or paint yourself an area for the stockpile. When done, click ‘accept’. You have established a new stockpile.
Customising a stockpile
Now, you can customize exactly what can and can’t be stored in that stockpile, and you can name it. This allows for easier transportation of goods if each stockpile has a specific function. You can keep wood stockpiles near your source of wood and near the Carpenter’s Workshop for shorter travel distance times.

Making sure your stockpiles are organized and sorted allows for efficient systems to be created.
You can always expand a stockpile if you need to, as well.
Keep an eye on Gamer Journalist for more gaming and Dwarf Fortress content, such as how to fish.
Published: Dec 6, 2022 08:43 am