Sprout fighting a chocolate bar enemy
Image via SURT

How to Play Rhythm Sprout? All Controls Explained

Let's sort out how to play this thing!

If you’re just getting started on Rhythm Sprout, it can actually be a pretty daunting task. But as you continue on, it does begin to make sense. So, if you’re in need of some extra help in sorting out how the game works, then we’re here to explain how to play Rhythm Sprout, as well as its controls.

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How to Play Rhythm Sprout? All Controls Explained

Controls screen
Image via SURT

Getting Started

When getting started in Rhythm Sprout, the first thing to know is that there are two standard types of notes to hit. Once lined up in your black hitbar, you’ll need to hit the corresponding button(s) that connect to them. Yellow notes correspond to your left d-pad and Red notes correspond to your right face buttons. Any of the four buttons on that side of the controller can be pressed.

Related: Review: Rhythm Sprouts Is An Adorable, If Not Repetitive Adventure


Oftentimes in Rhythm Sprout, especially when in a battle with an enemy, you’ll need to hit your shoulder buttons in order to block enemy attacks. These attacks come in the form of long blue notes and like the others, you can use either shoulder button which will successfully dodge. If you miss a doge, you’ll lose an HP bar. For every x20 combos, you’ll gain an HP bar back.

Finishing Move

At certain points, enemies will trigger a Finishing Move that you’ll use to dispatch them. You’ll need to spam-click your left and right buttons as fast as possible. Pressing them as quickly as you can rack up a ton of extra points for you. Be sure not to mistakenly go for your shoulder buttons or trigger buttons, as they won’t work in these instances.

Sugar Rush

A Sugar Rush is an effect that can be activated once per level by pressing one of the trigger buttons. Once activated, the notes on-screen will appear in white color which allows you to hit any button you wish and will not only restore your HP bars but also give you +400 points for every note hit. These are great to use when in a pinch health-wise as your health will be completely maxed out.

Trap Notes

Trap Notes appear as purple and should be avoided, as they can cause you damage and set you back a bit.

So, that’s all to know about how to play Rhythm Sprout, and now you have the knowledge you need about its controls. Be sure to check out some of our other helpful guides as well, such as “How Long is Rhythm Sprout? Levels and Difficulty Explained”. And for more content, be sure to like Gamer Journalist on Facebook too!

Image of Nathaniel Litt
Nathaniel Litt
Hi! I'm Nathaniel; Star Wars nerd, musician, and active daydreamer. When it comes to gaming, I'll try anything at least once. My mains though are FPS, Action-Adventure, and Puzzle-Platformers.