Haggling and selling in Potionomics
Image via Voracious Games

How to Make Money in Potionomics

Ready to brew up a storm in Potionomics?

Players will be busy with Potionomics in obtaining success in the key motivator of Sylvia’s character and game premise of clearing her potion shop’s debt that her uncle had accumulated. The aim of the game is simple and goes full steam ahead in homing in on this end-goal through its narrative and game design. On the other hand, Potionomics does not make all aspects of this clear, so we are here to clarify any misconceptions and provide some pointers.

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Why making money in Potionomics is important

Making money in Potionomics is the literal aim of the game. Despite this fact, Potonomics never explicitly states a very important element of it that is, in fact, not at all important. Players do not and will not have to put aside any of the money that they accumulate. It’s a more than understandable assumption to make considering players’ goal is to put money towards clearing debt, but players will succeed in doing so by simply completing the game.

In order to do exactly this, their money should be fluctuating regularly for the most part, especially early game. This is because until the latter point of the game, players should be prioritising spending the majority, if not all of their earnings in shopping at the NPC’s stores. Doing so will accumulate ingredients. What you should be doing with all these obtained items should be to put them into the same rotation of discovering, obtaining and handing them over to Quinn. Do this by selecting the Expand activity when traveling to them.

Since the majority of the game’s activities are luck based, this means that discovered ingredients during Adventures with characters like Mint are randomised. To ensure that ingredients are made more easily accessible, let Quinn consume them and be able to purchase them from their shop the following day.

With this rinse and repeat cycle, having the means to be able to continuously purchase the goods will become your next port of call. We have a few tips to help you out.

How to make money quick in Potionomics in early game

  • Always haggle to increase your base price of your potions but keep an eye on your stress level. You can decrease this afterwards by spending time with the other characters, so hit two birds with one stone by giving them gifts and unwinding at the same time.
  • Haggling becomes easier once you unlock the better character cards when ranking up their relationships with Sylvia. This is particularly significant with the characters of both Saffron and Owl. The latter’s card Rattle ‘Em Off and Xid’s Rhythm is monstrous. Once you accumulate many of its character cards, play around with your card deck kit out to discover devastating match ups like this. This makes both the competitive battles and daily haggling a disgustingly easy breeze to see success and money come at you.
  • Aim to create potions of a higher grade all the time since this increases its base price but keep an eye on the balancing of the magimins.
  • Always note the RNG daily effects. These can affect what potions can be sold for the highest price tag and what potions are bringing in smaller totals for the day.
  • Due to the above point, do NOT feel like you have to brew every single day. Waiting on the right RNG daily event to appear to stockpile potion creations and sell them on the day is the way to go.
  • Upgrade, upgrade, upgrade! Cauldrons tend to be the saving grace no matter the competition. This is because these upgrades open up more slots for ingredients to stack, making it even easier to brew up higher quality potions. This WILL be your priority in where your money spending goes into, so visit Muktuk’s shop to upgrade to the best cauldrons on offer at the time as often as possible.
  • Use the above pointer in conjunction to Saffron’s store benefits. This makes for an easier time in crafting potions and giving them on Adventures so that the Hero you recruit are able to do a full run of the area without fail.
  • Conversely, when you only have Mint available for Adventures, send her out even without any potions equipped in early game. She will still bring back ingredients on an “unsuccessful” run no matter when she has to come back home.
  • Furthermore, check Muktuk and Saffron’s stores every time you beat a competition since they will have new extensions/upgrades available as soon as Bosses are cleared.
  • Since you only have one cauldron early game, intend on collecting as much wood from the Enchanted Forest location as often as possible. This shortens down the time taken in brewing potions.
  • Accumulating funds becomes even easier once you get by the tricky first 10 days mark. This is mostly down to Luna’s input, who you can unlock on day 13. Her services allow players to affect the stock market, making daily RNG affects just that bit more controllable and in their favor.
  • Aim to unlock ranks 4 and 8 of each character as quickly as possible to obtain their two coupons that decrease the costs of using their services. You will be saving so much money!
  • Using Baptise early-game is an understated tactic since his services gives players the potential of obtaining a rare ingredient from day 2. Since it may disrupt the economy, the best tactic is to 100% the margin for the cheapest item only – meaning no more than four inputs. Do this to obtain rarer items as often as possible in early game and then hand them over to Quinn by Extending their stock. Easy!

We hope our tips will be beneficial to you. Enjoy your potion brewing journey with Sylvia and co!

Related: All Characters Cards and Coupons in Potionomics

Image of Lilia Hellal
Lilia Hellal
Fan of everything and anything dating sim and mystery related. Passion for gaming was kickstarted by Luminous Arc on the Nintendo DS and has since become obsessed with Fire Emblem, Rune Factory, Story of Seasons, Danganronpa and Zero Escape. Won't shut up about visual novels, JRPGs and otomes in general.