Bamboo is great in Minecraft, being used to craft the life-saving scaffolding. If you need a lot of scaffolding, however, you’ll need a lot of bamboo. And most of the time, finding the stuff is insanely difficult. If you don’t want to make those long trips again, you can build this automatic bamboo farm and never have to go about to find it every again. Here is how to make an automatic bamboo farm in Minecraft.
How to Make an Automatic Bamboo Farm in Minecraft
Laying the Foundation
This is a rather easy contraption that will require some redstone to work. You will need to gather these materials. Please note that you will need four redstone and one piston and one observer per bamboo stalk that you integrate into the farm.
Gather these materials:
Firstly, place down the chest. This will be where you collect your bamboo. Then place the hopper behind the chest, making sure to connect it. Then, using your building blocks of choice, build a trough, placing water at the end to let it flow over the hopper.
This will allow broken bamboo to flow to the hopper and be deposited in the chest.
It should look something like this:
My own use of glass and birch planks need not be replicated, you can construct the actual structure with whatever building blocks you wish.
Note that chests can open with glass blocks on top of them.
At one of the sides, break the building block and place a dirt block where you want the bamboo to grow.
Assembling the circuit
This next part will require the observer, piston, and the redstone. On the side of the dirt block, place another block to create another platform and place one block on top of that. Then, place the piston and the observer on top of each other.
Place redstone atop the observer and use building blocks to trickle it down next to the piston. It should look like this:
This contraption makes it so that as soon as the bamboo stalk reaches three blocks high, the observer will send a signal to the piston to push forwards, breaking it in half, sending two bamboos into the stream.
This circuit facilitates for one bamboo stalk, unless you add more pistons to the circuit for other bamboo stalks.
Related: How to Make an Automatic Honey Farm in Minecraft
Completing the bamboo farm
Now add more blocks to flesh out the farm and surround the bamboo stalk’s sides. This will force the bamboo to fall into the steam and not into the sides. You can add more bamboo across the sides if you wished, making the farm as long as you’d like.
Keep an eye on Gamer Journalist for more gaming and Minecraft content, such as how to get honeycomb.
Published: Oct 6, 2022 3:17 PM UTC