From Space is an action-packed alien shooter, where you can blast some extra terrestrial backside with your many weapons. The only thing the game has more of than aliens, is fun. Interestingly, the scale of fun increases with the level of your specialists, as you unlock a whole host of things the stronger your level is, from unique items, to perk slots, to better stats. Here is how to increase your specialist level in From Space.
How to Level Up in From Space
How it works
Leveling up in From Space works a little differently compared to other games. And for the better. You have a election of six specialists to choose from, each with their own level up bonuses and items. In other games, you would have to level them up individually, having to grind levels to bring lesser played characters up to speed. This is not the case in From Space.

Thankfully, you simply have one Specialist Level in the upper right corner, and as you level it up, all of your specialists level up with it, even if you’ve never played them before. This means that if you suddenly require the niche of a specialist you haven’t selected before, then they’ll already come equipped with all of their level up bits and bobs. Sure, you’ll have to find them cooler guns and items out in the wild, but they’ll already come out strong.
Related: All Specialists and What They Do in From Space
Actually getting experience is how you would expect. Slaughtering alien masses is a great way to do it, and you don’t pick up XP, you automatically gain it after each kill. You also get EXP from doing quests and other menial tasks, too. So, if you are in a group setting, no one will be able to steal you EXP, which feels pretty great.
The benefits
Levelling up your specialist meets you with all of these benefits:

- Increased Health, Stamina, or Shield
- Exclusive Specialist Perks
- An Exclusive Specialist Weapons
- Exclusive Specialist Items
- Unlocking more Perk Slots, Item Slots, and Weapon Slots.
Sometimes, more than one of these features will be granted with one level-up.
Keep an eye on Gamer Journalist for more gaming and From Space content, such as how to play with friends.
Published: Nov 3, 2022 08:57 am