April Fools day might come and go, but some “jokes” that are made on a companies behalf don’t always go away as quickly as the day. The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog was sarcastically called the “bold new direction” for the Sonic franchise. However unlike the jovial nature of the game’s release, it is an actual game to play right now on Steam. Taking on a ‘Danganronpa-esque’ visual novel style of gameplay, where your job is to figure out who murdered Sonic before it’s too late.
Receiving almost 10,000 reviews on Steam and sitting at an Overwhelmingly Positive review, it’s clear that this meme of a game is actually something worth looking at. What’s more, is that every returning character from the Sonic games has been given a unique, brand new look for this game. Prompting fans of the series to try and figure out how to get sprites from The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog.
How to Get Sprites from The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog

Sprites are the 2-D “bitmaps” or images that game developers use to draw characters in games like this. Visual novels, Metroid-vanias, and more types of games have used sprites for decades. The sprites in The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog are unique, in the way they look and their outfits. Because of this, many players have wanted to grab these sprites for themselves, but haven’t been sure of where to go to get them.
Related: How to Play All the Main Sonic Games in Order
Fans have taken to Reddit to seek out answers, looking for anyone who might have information on these sprites. From this thread, players have found exactly where to find these sprites. It seems that a website by the name of Spriters Resource has released the sprites portraits for all the characters in The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. Players can download these full body sprites, from the new player character, to all the classic characters people have come to love. And who wouldn’t want a sprite image of Shadow the Hedgehog in an apron?
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Published: Apr 3, 2023 10:25 am