Image Via Avalanche Software

How to Get Shrivelfig Fruit Seed in Hogwarts Legacy

Shrivelfig. Try to say that 3 times in a row.

Not only is there a quite big collection of unique and magical fauna, aka monsters, in the Wizarding World, the flora that exists and is all over the wild is also a pristine selection of species. Thankfully, in Hogwarts Legacy, we will get the experience to be able to plant and see our little seeds grow into some of the most special items and ingredients we can find in the game. Today, we will gather one of those seeds found in the game. Here is how to get Shrivelfig Seed in Hogwarts Legacy.

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How to Get Shrivelfig Seed

Being a Herbologist, or just planting seeds and collecting the full-grown plants, is a very easy and straightforward process. If you are a completionist, you will have to fully grow all the eight available seeds in the game. Not only for the achievement, but also for the fruits and items they will yield. One of them, of course, is the Shrivelfig Fruit. It is an ingredient that will produce the Thunderbrew Potion, which grants a stormy defense and offense against enemies. You will need to combine this with Leech Juice and Stench of the Dead, both ingredients found in the wild.

And while I try to give you some context and mystery, it is quite obvious that, in order to get a Shrivelfig Fruit, you will need a Shrivelfig Seed. Don’t worry my friend, it is quite simple in fact. All you need to do is to travel to Hogsmeade and visit The Magic Neep. There are a total of 4 different seeds you will be able to purchase here, Shivelfig included. It will cost you 450 gold, so you better save up some gold, or loot some treasure chests that don’t belong to you, like you would normally do in any video game.

Related: How to Use Seeds in Hogwarts Legacy

Afterward, you can plant the seed in a potting table in the Herbology Greenhouses or in the Room of Requirement, if you have unlocked it. Wait a minimum of 10 minutes, and you will have that fruit waiting for you. Just be patient and don’t look at the plant while it is growing. Every one knows that when you look at really slow things, they get slower. Go and do some side missions, and you will have your fruit waiting for you. Good luck!

Hogwarts Legacy is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and Windows. Please check out Gamer Journalist on Facebook to join the discussion and keep up to date with our content. You might also like to check out or guides on How to get Mallowsweet Leaves Hogwarts Legacy or How to Get Moonstones in Hogwarts Legacy.

Image of Alejandro Josan
Alejandro Josan
A musician with a heart of a gamer, Alejandro's life has always been accompanied by adventures on Nintendo platformers, countless hours of fantasy RPGs and several third-party FPSs. Currently, he is studying Game Design and Development, preparing for a long career in the video game industry.