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Simple Games Incorporated

How to get iron in Roblox The Survival Game

A sturdy and reliable material

Roblox The Survival Game doesn’t exactly need an explanation. You’ll be foraging, crafting, fighting and building in you quest for preservation. Metallurgy will be a huge part of your activities as you create iron to fashion into armor, tools and weapons. But iron doesn’t just grow on trees; you’ll need to learn how to make it. Here’s how to make iron in The Survival Game.

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How to make iron in Roblox the Survival Game

Roblox The Survival Game has many hallmarks of a regular survival game, and the mining and smelting of metals is one such mechanic you can use and exploit. Iron can be found naturally, but you’ll have to refine it first, and you’ll have to do some work before you can get the equipment. It’s a lengthy process, but once done will allow you some fantastic weapons and armour.

Related: How to Plant and Farm in Roblox The Survival Game

Iron can be found in deposits anywhere in the world behind boulders. Mine away the boulders using a copper pickaxe to reveal a treasure trove of iron. Mine them down and collect what drops. But, you won’t be able to use the iron until you smelt it with an Iron Smithy. The Iron Smithy can be crafted using your workbench. You will have unlocked the recipe for it when crafting the Copper Smithy.

Collect the ingredients required and craft it, and place it somewhere safe. Now that you have the smithy, you can go into the menu. You will need coal and the raw iron you just mined. Select the iron ingot crafting recipe and smelt away! Try to collect as much iron as you can in your runs to make as many ingots as you can.

Using those ingots, you can now fashion your own sturdy iron equipment.

We hope you enjoyed our Roblox The Survival Game guide. You can head on over to our Facebook page to keep up with the latest of video game content. You may also be interested in our other The Survival Game content, such as how to make bread or how to craft the ballista.
