Maybe luck is just on your side as you are the last soldier inside the Bunker. Losing your comrades is horrifying but being able to get important tools to aid you in your survival offers a bit of hope in preserving your life. Someone has to survive this ordeal so let that be you. An item you can get early in the game is the Gas Mask with its primary use being to negate the effects of lethal chemicals entering Henri’s lungs and dealing damage that would require healing items to fix. The Gas Mask is best used if you are someone who finds a lot of Gas Grenades and wants to put them to good use. These can be used to trick the Beast or to clear hoards of Rats so that you can nab Dog Tags or get past them. This is Vincent’s guide on how to get the Gas Mask in Amnesia: The Bunker.
Where to Find the Gas Mask in Amnesia: The Bunker
The Gas Mask can be found quite early into your playthrough. Whilst I personally did not find much use in its properties, it is a useful tool to have for anything requiring you to bypass Rats. It can also be used to deal damage against the Beast in case you are trying to save Frag Grenades, or Shotgun and Revolver bullets. Firstly, you need to make sure that you have lifted Lockdown by getting the Emergency Valve. Once lifted, you will open up 4 different areas on the map. The area you need is Maintenance.
What I have noticed in multiple playthroughs is that Laval’s Dog Tag appears to change spots depending on what you do first. One of the spawns is inside Foreman’s Quarters but this is only if you have been inside the Break Room. The other spawn is in the Break Room, but only if you visited Foreman’s Quarters. Whichever you visit first will give you Boucher’s Dog Tag whilst the other spot will have Laval’s. For this reason, you will need to get the Special Wrench off Stafford. For a full guide, see here. We recommend however, that you check Foreman’s Quarters first as Laval’s Dog Tag could be here, allowing you to get the Gas Mask incredibly early on in The Bunker.
If this is Boucher’s Dog Tag on the desk in the Foreman’s Quarters, you need to get into the Break Room via the Wrench on the grate in the corridor after turning right from the Clerk’s Office (Rats Keep Out door). The Dog Tag is on the corpse inside. You will need to get rid of the Rats first before you can pick up the Tag. If you are getting this early on, you can either use a Flare, Gas Grenade or Frag Grenade. If you attract the Beast by producing too much noise, exit out of the room and turn left. Head down the corridor, avoiding the booby-trap halfway by jumping over and go into the closet at the dead-end on your right. Refer to the screenshot above (square icon) for the hiding spot.
In whichever order you try to get the Gas Mask in, you should get Laval’s Dog Tag in either the Break Room or Foreman’s Quarters. Rotate to get the Tag for the code and return to Mission Storage to unlock his Locker and obtain the Gas Mask as the reward. The Gas Mask has a specific key for use, for controller players, you will need R3. We recommend for first-time players to have in-game hints on so that you can get reminders of which button to use as it can be rather overwhelming to get used to all of the different items and the keys/buttons to use. But maybe that’s just a me problem.
Keep in mind that the Gas Mask obscures your vision. Therefore it should only be used to pass through a gas cloud and then taken off as soon as the air is clear around you.
Looking for more Amnesia: The Bunker guides? We have more available here. Alternatively, check out GJ related articles in the Horror section here. Thank you for reading this guide!
Published: Jun 5, 2023 10:15 am