The one item that is crucial in every Pokemon game are Poke balls. You need them if you’re wanting to collect every single Pokemon out there. There’s plenty of Poke balls out there that have special abilities to help capture the Pokemon of your dream. They may not be as powerful as a master ball, however, they still hold some value and are useful. Apricorn balls in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are special balls that are crafted by using Apricorns. Thankfully in Scarlet and Violet you don’t have to worry about crafting them. You just need to find out how to get them! Here’s how to get Apricorn Balls in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
What are Apricorn Balls in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?
If you’re a beginner on your journey through the Pokemon franchise you probably haven’t heard the term Apricorn Balls before. You’ve seen Poke Balls and Great Balls, but what are Apricorn Balls? We can almost guarantee that you’ve seen them before because they’re actually an umbrella term for all sorts of Poke Balls! While playing Pokemon Scarlet and Violet you’ve seen balls such as Heavy Ball, Fast Ball, or Friend Ball. These are actually all called Apricorn Balls and each ball holds special powers. What are those powers? Take a look at our chart to see what each Poke Ball does:
- Fast Ball : Catch Pokemon easily that are typically faster to escape
- Friend Ball : Make a wild Pokemon become your friend faster
- Heavy Ball : Catch heavy Pokemon with ease
- Level Ball : Low level Pokemon become easier to capture
- Love Ball : Catch a Pokemon opposite gender of your Pokemon to catch easily
- Lure Ball : Capture Pokemon while Fishing
- Moon Ball : Catch Pokemon that can evolve using Moon Stone
Now that you’ve learned a little bit about Apricorn Balls you’re probably wanting to know where you can obtain them.
Apricorn Balls Location in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
There are two places you can go in order to get Apricorn Balls. One of these places is located in Porto Marinada, and if you’re thinking auction, you’re correct my friend! You need to look daily to see if there are any deals on Apricorn Balls. Sometimes you’ll get lucky and Moon Balls will be up for sale, but because of their rarity, you’re going to want to save up around 100,000 coins. Even more since that’s the beginning auction price! Make sure you finish Kofu’s portion of the gym in the main storyline so you can unlock the auction process.
The next place you are going to want to check out for Apricorn Balls is heading to your school! You’ve probably already are familiar with going to class and speaking to the front desk clerk. There’s someone else you need to talk to next to her to start the Academy Ace Tournament. These battles will sometimes reward you with a random Apricorn Ball but the chances of getting them aren’t incredibly high, but hey, at least this way is free.
That’s everything you need to know about Apricorn Balls in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet! For more Pokémon Scarlet and Violet content, be sure to check out our posts! We’re covering everything about Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Published: Nov 30, 2022 10:14 PM UTC