Despite Minecraft‘s attempt of realism through animals and physics, there is a deeply fantastical element. And this magical fantasy is manifested in no greater way than the Heart of the Sea. Players may have this legendary item and have no idea what to do with it, and it is hardly intuitive, unlike most else in the game. Here is how to find the Heart of the Sea, and what to do with it.
Where to find the Heart of the Sea in Minecraft
The Heart of the Sea is an incredibly rare item with only one way of obtaining it. You’re going to need to get a boat at the ready, as you have to find a shipwreck.

Shipwrecks in Minecraft, in one of their chests, may be hiding a buried treasure map. If you follow the map, you’ll be brought to a buried treasure site. Digging at the red ‘X’, and you’ll be greeted with a chest of many treasures. However one treasure will stick out against all the others.
The Heart of the Sea is a blue orb that will sit in the chest, waiting for you to pick it up.
What to Do with the Heart of the Sea in Minecraft
The Heart of the Sea is actually an ingredient for a powerful item, the Conduit.
To craft this conduit, you’ll need to get your hands also on eight nautilus shells. You can find nautilus shells in three ways:
- A drowned may spawn holding one. Once killed, it will always drop the nautilus shell.
- A wandering trader may offer it as a trade.
- You have a slight chance of finding a nautilus shell when fishing as a treasure item.
Once you have eight, go to a crafting table. Place the Heart of the Sea in the middle slot and surround it with nautilus shells.

This will craft the Conduit.
Related: How to get Scutes in Minecraft
Activating the Conduit
The Conduit is part of a very useful structure that can only be placed underwater. Get your hands on 16 prismarine blocks of any type (as long as they are full blocks). Make a 5 x 5 frame suspended in the water, either horizontal or vertical. Place the conduit in the middle. The Conduit will open up and activate, and for a short range, it will provide ‘Conduit Power’ to the player, emit light, and damage nearby enemies.

Conduit Power allows players to see and breathe underwater, and increases their underwater mining speed slightly.
You can increase the range of the conduit by adding another five by five frame to the structure, adding onto the existing frame. You can do this twice, the Conduit will become more active the more frames are added.

Keep an eye on Gamer Journalist for more gaming and Minecraft content, such as how to make an automatic egg farm.
Published: Oct 7, 2022 09:24 am