Find the Floppa Morphs, a huge Roblox ‘find the’ game, by BIG PLAY, will provide entertainment no matter what kind of player you are. With over 380 Floppa Morphs to collect and then morph into, completionists and casual players flock to the game. But there is one floppa that is part machine and part floppa. If you want this recreational hybrid in your collection, then here is your guide on collecting the TV Floppa Morph in Find the Floppa Morphs.
How to Find the TV Floppa Morph
To start, you’re going to need to start your search on the Big House map through the map menu when you start the game. This map is hugely reminiscent of the house in the default map, including the reference to the Spirte Floppa meme on the TV.
The hint suggests that our search will involve the TV and Spirte, and the Floppa Morph is represented through a TV showcasing the Spirte Floppa meme.
How to find the Spirte obby
To find the TV Floppa Morph, you must find the Spirte obby. This can be access by the secret portal behind the TV, on the mount. But you cannot simply climb up there using the adjacent window sills or book shelf. You must drop down from the ceiling’s support beams.
Interestingly, you must traverse over to the litter tray in one of the corners of the house, which already houses a particularly large turd. There will be a glowing purple tile. This is a teleporter that sends you to the support beams above the map.

Now above the map, walk across to the wall that the TV is mounted to, below the beams. You’re going to have to jump off and land on the TV. It is quite thick, so you shouldn’t have a problem landing on it. Then walk to the middle of the TV and drop to the grey mount.
There will be a green portal behind the TV.

Walk through, and you will be teleported to the Spirte Obby.
Related: How to find the Horse Floppa in Roblox Find the Floppa Morphs
Claiming the TV Floppa Morph
At the other end of the Spirte obby will be the Floppa Morph. You must walk past the sliding Spirte cans and leap over the blue beam that goes back and forth. Once at the other end, touch the TV to claim the Floppa Morph.

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Published: Sep 2, 2022 08:12 am