Find the Floppa Morphs, by BIG PLAY, is a gallery of many creative floppas which have been designed to delight. Over 370 floppas populate the game, allowing for casual and completionist players to enjoy the act of discovering floppas over many maps. If you want to pay homage to your human self, then you may want to consider finding the Skeleton Floppa, to give your bones some love. Here is how to find the Skeleton Floppa Morph in Find the Floppa Morphs.
How to find the Skeleton Floppa in Find the Floppa Morphs
This floppa is found in the Haunted House map, so make sure to select that map from the map menu when logging in.
The hint for the Skeleton Floppa tells us to get on top of the maze… and there are two ways to do it.
The skeleton floppa is represented through a skull with floppa ears, or in other words, a freak of nature.
Getting on top of the maze the easy way

When you spawn in, you’ll see, right behind you, is a giant maze led to through a cobbled pathway. But you don’t want to go in the maze, you want to be on the maze.
The way the game intends you to get up to the maze is by finding a ladder in the form of bones inside the maze to the back left which would allow you to climb onto the maze. But if you don’t like mazes, then there is thankfully another way.
Related: How to find the Witch Floppa in Find the Floppa Morphs
To the right of the maze’s entrance is a small mound with two dead trees on it. Climb onto the tree on the left and walk right to the edge of the branch reaching towards the maze’s wall.

From there, jump onto the wall. It may take a few tries, but you’ll soon be on the wall.
Claiming the Skeleton Floppa
Once on the wall, you need to walk all the way around the edge till you get to the right half of the maze. On one of the hedges is the skeleton floppa, seen through being the only other white object up there. Be careful not to drop as you walk around. SImple touch it to claim it!

Keep an eye on Gamer Journalist for more gaming and Find the Floppa Morphs content, such as how to find the Cartoon Cat Floppa.
Published: Oct 31, 2022 08:27 am