Find the Floppa Morphs, by BIG PLAY, is one of the biggest Roblox ‘find the’ games where players are tasked with finding and morphing into over 370 floppas. Casual and completionist players alike will find joy in searching around the numerous maps to complete their collection. But there is one floppa that has been delicately carved to give you the spooks: The Pumpkin Floppa. Here is how to find the Pumpkin Floppa Morph in Find the Floppa Morphs.
How to find the Pumpkin Floppa Morph
This pumpkin floppa is hiding out in the depths of the Haunted House map, so you should begin your search thereby selecting that map from the menu.
The hint tells us that the Pumpkin Floppa Morph is at the end of an obby in the maze, so let’s try not to get lost.
This floppa is represented through a carved pumpkin with other pumpkins on top – so it’ll stand out from the other pumpkins!

Finding the Maze Obby
As you spawn in the Haunted House map, there will be four cobbled paths leading outwards. If you look behind you, the giant maze will be standing before you. Put on a brave face and enter.
Related:How to Find the Vampire Floppa in Find the Floppa Morphs
To find the obby, you will have to choose the right path and follow it as closely to the right wall as you can. This technique is called wall-hugging, and it will take you right to the maze obby in no time. You will know when you’ve found it as it consists of lighter green leaf platforms jutting from the maze’s wall.

Claiming the Pumpkin Floppa
To claim this floppa, simply jump up onto the platforms and follow it around the wall, being careful not to fall off. Thankfully, it is a very easy obby. At the very end of the wall, the Pumpkin Floppa Morph will be waiting. Walk up to it to claim it!

Keep an eye on Gamer Journalist for more gaming and Find the Floppa Morph content, such as ho to find the Witch Floppa.
Published: Oct 31, 2022 08:26 am