To fall from grace and be kept imprisoned for it is naturally a destiny not many of us would want for the rest of our lives. Thankfully, we have a protagonist who will set us free and not only controls the sand but also is very persuasive when he needs to be. And by persuasion, of course, we are referring to straight blackmailing and a bit of bribery. You know, stuff normal people do from day to day. But anyway, here is how to find the Imprisoned Priest in Atlas Fallen
How To Find The Imprisoned Priest in Atlas Fallen

To find the Imprisoned Priest in Atlas Fallen, you will have to find said priest’s journal. To do so, find the Priest’s Estate that houses the journal. Go up the stairs and just to the right of the main room you will find a chest with the journal hidden inside it. By reading it, you will learn about the priest’s fall from grace. You will then have to find the Imprisoned Priest. His location will appear as a marker on your map.

Follow the marker on your map and HUD. You will eventually arrive at the Priest’s Refuge, a fortress that is currently holding the Imprisoned Priest. Before you can get to the priest though, you will be unable to enter his cell block due to a very annoying guard. Don’t worry, just go ahead and bribe the guard and talk to the priest. Don’t try this in real life.

Related: How to Get Idol of Shatter in Atlas Fallen
And there you go! The priest will task you with freeing him by getting his cell’s key. This will lead to certain events that will have you bargain for the key and even do some occasional grave digging. Just the normal chores of the day, you know.
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Published: Aug 16, 2023 01:05 am