Signalis is a classic horror experience that will have you uncovering deep and dark mysteries. Traverse unsettling places with your weapon in hand, for you cannot trust any corner, nor dim lighting. As you walk around the Worker’s Accommodations, you’ll notice a locked door, the East Wing Key being required to open it. Without opening the door, you’ll have a hard time progressing. Here is how to find the East Wing Key in Signalis.
How to get the East Wing Key in Signalis
Locating the key
When you first drop into the Worker’s Accommodations, your only path leads you through the locked door at the end of Block A6. But once you get through that door, you’ll suddenly come across many options of travel. You’ll soon find that you need to find a West Wing Key and an East Wing Key to get through the locked doors.

To locate the East Wing key, you must find the Office. The Office is attached to the North Corridor, which is found from getting past Block A6. Out of all the doors, it is the second from the left. You can walk through freely, there are no monsters that will prohibit your movement.
As you walk into the Office, look around thoroughly. The East Wing Key is found on the desk to the left of the entrance, just laying there. Do not hesitate to pick it up. But don’t immediately leave. The Office is an important room that you will want to explore.
Related: How to open the Butterfly Box in Signalis
Using the key
The East Wing Key is used only once, despite the East Wing having two entrances. The right most room of the Northern Corridor can be unlocked using they key, and that is the only locked door you will be able to access at the moment.

Before you go, make sure you have explored all the other rooms to take as many supplies as you can with you. This wing will not go easy on you. Good luck.
Keep an eye on Gamer Journalist for more gaming and Signalis content, such as how to find the West Wing Key.
Published: Oct 25, 2022 02:46 pm