With the Dynamite and Detonator in place, it is time to blow a hole into the Bunker. But this is not the end of getting out. In fact, you need to dive into the Bunker’s core, finding a Bioshock-like area, with three paths to take, all heading towards the final battle – Henri vs the Beast. As the walls crumble around you, the question is asked of you the player – do you want to end the Beast’s suffering or do you want to set him free? Regardless of the decision, the journey to that destination is a hard one. If you are ready for the final fight, this is how to escape or defeat the Beast in Amnesia: The Bunker.
What To Take With You – Inventory Slots
So you have finally made it to the last hurdle inside the Bunker, the boss fight of you vs the Beast. Firstly, we want to address what you take with you for this fight. You should not blow up the Bunker without having sorted out your Inventory so before you head in, go to the Administrator’s Office and check your Storage Box. When assessing what you need for your final stand, put away all of your tools such as the Wrench, Gas Mask, Torch etc. You will not need these. If you have not taken much damage throughout your playthrough you should place 4 Medkits into your Inventory. Then, the best weapon you should use for the fight are Frag Grenades. My Inventory looked like 4 Frag Grenades, 3-4 Medkits, the Winding Flashlight and the Revolver.
How to Defeat the Beast in Amnesia: The Bunker
Now that you are ready to fight, head down into the next area. Do not pick anything up as you will not need it for the fight. When the area opens out to show 3 bridges, one of which can be lifted up on your side via a wheel. The position of these bridges are randomized so we cannot tell you which one will have a movable bridge. However, you have a moment to assess the whole area as the Beast does not arrive until you make it halfway and start crossing the final bridge to get to the other side. You should be able to see fine in this area but if you are struggling we recommend that you turn the Gamma up. That way you do not need to rely on the Winding Flashlight mid-fight to see where you are going.
Related: What is the Monster in Amnesia: The Bunker?
Keep the Grenades on hand at all times as you will need these. Some of the bridges are made of wood and can be broken by using explosives. For this reason, you will want to go to the middle platforms (between the two bridges) and look at which bridge can be broken on the side where the Beast starts and where you have to go. You want to lure the Beast towards the middle platforms. The Beast will run at you if you are too close so you need to react to this fast enough so the Beast does not catch up. Keep a good distance between the two of you but do not allow him to try and take a short cut towards you. Instead, you want him to come at you where you are on the side where he started and he is crossing towards you on one of the wooden bridges. You need to time the Frag Grenade throw for when the Beast is towards the end of the middle platform, not when he is on the wooden bridge itself.
To expand on this further, if the Beast is on the bridge you want to destroy before you throw the Grenade, it will not set off in time to take him out. If you successfully destroy the bridge with him on it, he will jump to your side. You will need to repeat the process again whilst making sure that you are not destroying your chances of getting to the correct side. Once you destroy the second bridge with him on it, the Beast should fall and you will have successfully sent him back down into the bottomless pit of the Bunker.
How to Escape the Bunker and Evade the Beast
If you do not want to kill the Beast, you can evade him instead, however this method can be a little tricky. You need to follow the steps in the boss fight guide above but instead, this one is all about timing. You need to lure the Beast to your starting side. You should bring up the metal bridge at the beginning and then make your way to the middle platforms. Lure the Beast to the starting area, and then run to the middle platforms when he is on the side you started at. Make sure you have crossed a bridge you can destroy. You need to throw the Grenade when the Beast is heading your way but is not on the bridge yet. That way the Beast will only have one last route to take towards you where you can then sprint to the end.
Do not even look back to see where the Beast is, instead focus on the task of moving the large wooden crate to the half-wall at the back and then the smaller crate in front of it. You then need to jump up twice and then over the wall to successfully get out and experience the ending. Keep in mind that the Beast could catch up to you so when dragging, make sure you are looking out his way, towards the bridges and not facing the wall. If the Beast gets too close as you are dragging the boxes, he will destroy them, making it harder to escape without killing him. If this happens, you can go back to the middle platforms, lure him here and then destroy another bridge with the Frag Grenade, trapped him temporarily on the other side.
Whilst the gap is smaller, you should have enough time to continue your moving of the boxes. Again, move the larger box first and then the smaller. Do not destroy all bridges as it could result in the Beast falling no matter what as he has no way to get to you. Please note: I will be added screenshots for this guide soon so that it provides clearer instructions of what you should do when face to face with the Beast.
Looking for more Amnesia: The Bunker guides? We have more available here. Alternatively, check out GJ related articles in the Horror section here. Thank you for reading this guide!
Published: Jun 7, 2023 4:02 PM UTC