There’s something oddly satisfying about swinging a hammer. I don’t even mean for the sake of violence or anything, just plain ol’ swinging a hammer. They have a nice, strong heft to them, and they’re good for breaking stuff. It’s the perfect tool, really, and a great asset to have in Harvestella. Speaking of which, here’s how to craft a Hammer in Harvestella.
How to Craft a Hammer in Harvestella
Not long after the beginning of Harvestella’s story, after you’ve gotten your basic farm started, you’ll probably notice the large number of boulders scattered around. These annoying rocks are taking up space that could be used to plant crops. The Lethe Village doctor, Cres, recommends that you get your dang self a Hammer to deal with those rocks, which is an excellent suggestion.
Related: How to Fish in Harvestella
In order to craft items in Harvestella, including a Hammer, you’ll need both the right materials and a recipe. We’ll get to the recipe later, but first, you should gather up the materials you need. That way, when you do get the recipe, you can make your Hammer right away.
Bring the Hammer Down

To craft a Hammer, you’ll need 10 pieces of Hard Stone. This is a fairly common material that can be sourced from designated gathering spots around the nearby wilderness of Njord Steppe. This is also where the game’s first major combat encounter and tutorial will go down, so make sure to check out all the gathering spots you can while you’re in the neighborhood. In the event you don’t get all the Hard Stone you need by the time the gathering spots are exhausted, just come back the next day to check again.
Once you’ve got your stack of rocks, just progress the main story until you need to visit the Mayor of Lethe Village. He’ll give you a quick rundown on how to use crafting tables, and will provide you with the Hammer recipe for your trouble. If you’ve got the Hard Stone, you can get to crafting right away, though keep in mind that crafting anything, including the Hammer, will skip you ahead some in-game time.
A quick fade-to-black later, and you’ve got yourself a Hammer! Now take that bad boy back to your farm and start smashing stuff!
Published: Nov 3, 2022 11:55 am