Rust is a survival game that pits you against literally everything possible on an island where your only objective is to stay alive every single day. From the wildlife to other players, you can’t trust anything in this game that is similar to Minecraft and others like it, but takes both the crafting and survival aspects of that game to the extreme. Play by yourself or team up with others in order to keep yourself and your base safe as you work to grow your influence and develop technology to become more powerful.
There are plenty of items and weapons that you can craft in Rust, and they all have different uses depending on how you employ them. In this guide we cover how to control and use an auto turret in Rust, which can be a powerful defender that helps to lay down fire within a certain area.
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How Do You Use an Auto Turret in Rust?

Auto turrets are defenders that can be crafted and used to help you defend your base from outsiders. In order to set one up, you will want to place it in a direction that typically sees a lot of enemies approach from. For example, if you plan on creating a choke point you will want to have auto turrets lay down supporting fire to finish off enemies that fall into this area. Just make sure that you and any of your allies are listed on the permissions part of the turret so that it won’t turn its guns on you!
Auto turrets need 10 power or electricity in order to work, so that if this falls even down to 9 the turret won’t work at all. Switches can help you in this case and also make it so that you only use your auto turret when absolutely necessary. It can be beneficial to help ambush intruders, since auto turrets often make a lot of noise when they are operational. Lastly, make sure that your auto turret has a weapon attached so that it can actually attack enemies. Both the Assault Rifle and the Bolt Action Rifle are strong choices for auto turret weapons.
Can You Control an Auto Turret Manually?
The auto turret can also be controlled by players in the game, which means you no longer have to rely on the game’s AI to do the work for you. By connecting it to a Computer Station, you can access the auto turret and then observe the area through its camera lens and fire at will. The cameras are of a poor quality, so they are not reliable security cameras and thus should be relied on more for targeting close up objects than scouting far away threats. One thing to note is that you will not be able to control the auto turret when you are in peacekeeper mode.
How Do You Craft an Auto Turret?
In order to craft an auto turret, you will first need to have a workbench of at least the second level. The resources required include 10 High-Quality Metal, a CCTV camera and a targeting computer. Crates can help you to receive these items, or you can trade with other players if you need to. Just make sure you don’t tell them why you want those items so they can’t know about your defenses! It will take around 30 seconds to craft the auto turret, so it should be done in no time at all.
We hope that this guide on the auto turret in Rust was informative and helped you understand the defensive powers it has. Please check out Gamer Journalist on Facebook to join the discussion and keep up to date with our content.
Published: Mar 2, 2023 03:43 pm