So far, Triangle Studios and Curve Digital’s alien invaders game, From Space is no slouch in the entertainment area, as this is a title that really has a lot going for it. A large world of aliens to fight with original specials, an armory of weapons, and of course, a chance to play as a team.
But I think one of the best ways the game is driven forward is by its questlines. This is established early on, in the opening moments of the game’s first major quest line, Operation Downed Dragonfly. But if you’ve finally made it to Billy Bob and are now on the Community Engagement part of that quest, you may be scratching your head. No worries though, as we can explain how to complete the Community Engagement quest in From Space.
How to Complete the Community Engagement Quest in From Space

After finally meeting with Billy Bob at the safe area during the Operation Downed Dragonfly quest line, he’ll explain your next duty before setting out with him. The goal here is to meet up with two different townsfolk and complete a mini-quest for each one.
The first one you should do first is given by Caroline who resides directly near the safe area. Just head out the gate to it, then make a left and you’ll talk through another gate. She’ll be standing right there. Her quest is a pretty easy one, though you will have to trek a bit.
She needs you to enter an alien nest and destroy all of the eggs. This is a pretty easy thing to do, and in fact, you can even do this before given the quest, resulting in an instant completion of it. If you haven’t just head to the most north-western part of the open area. You can’t miss this nest, it is fully pink.
Destroying eggs is pretty easy though aliens can spawn from them. Once done, you’ll earn a chest to open there which will level your character up. Then, return to Caroline, who will also give you a chest as a reward. Then it’s time to move on to our second resident.
Old Man Skeeter
The next resident we’ll need to help is Old Man Skeeter. He actually resides just to the right of that alien nest, at the most northern part of that area. His task for you is to head to his old place and retrieve some adult beverages.
His old trailer is easy to find, just follow the main road down until you see the area blinking an orange color. It’s actually on the other side of that alien nest, so you can’t miss it. You will have to dispose of some aliens, and then grab the box full of beer and return it to him.
It’s important to note that you can’t do anything while carrying it and there are hordes of spawning enemies chasing you. Luckily, they are pretty slow so I just suggest grabbing the beer, and hightailing it back to Old Man Skeeter.
Once you make it back, now it’s time to make a stand and take out the hordes of spawning aliens. After you’ve killed them all, speak to Old Man Skeeter and he’ll give you a reward for your troubles, another chest. At that point, you’re done! Just head back to Billy Bob to continue to the next quest!
That’s everything you need to know about how to complete the Community Engagement quest in From Space! Be sure to check out some of our other great guides on the game as well!
Published: Nov 3, 2022 08:38 am