Gather around my fellow survivors. Today we will learn an extremely important ability you will have to learn if you want to survive this island. Yes, you can build rope and climb hills. Moreover, you know how to handle heavy weaponry. You have even mastered the ability to skin the mutants and use their skin as armor. And while that is awesome, and quite frankly, disgusting, you don’t know half of what you need to know. Don’t worry, I got you covered. Here is how to break sticks in Sons of the Forest.
How to Break Sticks in Sons of the Forest
Breaking sticks is not only an extremely fun activity to do in Sons of the Forest, but it is also something that will ensure your survival in the wild. Why, you ask? Because in order to create a simple and basic fire, you will need to break a couple or more of them in order to bring fuel to your warm shelter. This is extremely important, since weather can get very cold in some areas of the island, so you will want to remain warm in order to not freeze to death. Also, you will want to build a fire to cook all those delicious pieces of raw meat you find by hunting animals. Remember kids, eating raw meat leads to illness, and illness may lead to death.
Anyway, on a less obscure matter, in order to break sticks, first you will want to collect them. You are in luck, since you will be able to find sticks all over the island, specially in the forest and in the shoreline. You can also use your axe in order to chop some wooden logs and render some sticks. Furthermore, you can also ask Kelvin to fetch some sticks for you if you don’t feel like doing the work. Anyway, once you have a couple of them, go ahead and open your inventory with I, select them, find a place to put your broken sticks, look down and left click. You will break one stick. Break a couple more and you will be able to build a fire in combination of your lighter.

Related: How to Build a Fire in Sons of the Forest – Guide
And that’s pretty much all the science necesarry to break sticks. I mean, there is possibly no easier task to do in Sons of the Forest. Oh well, maybe thinking about where is Virginia, but still, it is very easy. Just go ahead and break a good amount to have a good time of fire and cook your meat by equipping it and leaving it on the fire. Have a wonderful meal.
Sons of the Forest is available on Windows. Please check out Gamer Journalist on Facebook to join the discussion and keep up to date with our content. You might also like to check out or guides on How to Get the Red Mask in Sons of the Forest or How the Inventory Works in Sons of the Forest – Guide.
Published: Feb 28, 2023 10:27 pm