I don’t much care for bell peppers, and I don’t mind admitting that. They’re gross and bitter, and a generally unwelcome presence in most foods. I especially don’t like them on my pizza, which is why I dislike Pizza Tower’s Pepperman on principle. Let’s teach him a little lesson. Here’s how to beat Pepperman in Pizza Tower.
How to Beat Pepperman in Pizza Tower
Pepperman is the first floor boss in Pizza Tower, and your introduction to the game’s boss fights in general. Unlike in the regular levels, you do have limited health in this fight, indicated by the chef’s hat icons on the top-left. Run out of chef’s hats, and you’ll have to start the fight over, though more hats will occasionally drop onto the arena for you to restore yourself.
Related: How to Get All Bell Peppers in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
To begin with, Pepperman will charge at you with his elbow, stopping when he hits a wall. He’ll flash white, indicating that he’s vulnerable, so go ahead and use your dash grab to smack him. After a couple of those, he’ll start mixing it up on you, stopping mid-dash to go the other way, so just wait until he hits the wall again. As all this is going on, be aware of your surroundings, as Pepperman’s… “artwork” will be charging at you from both sides of the arena and from above.
After he gets tired of charging, Pepperman will jump up and try to ground pound you. Again, just wait til he hits the ground and smack him when he flashes white. After a couple of those, he’ll start bouncing after his first pound, flipping off the walls. He’s vulnerable like this, but he bounces pretty far, so try to lead his shot a bit by waiting on the other side of the room.
Distraction and Phase 2

When Pepperman’s on his last legs, he’ll return to charging again, but this time, he won’t become vulnerable even after hitting a wall. Instead, you’ll need to smack a block of stone that appears a few times until it becomes a statue. When Pepperman passes the statue, he’ll stop to admire it. That’s your cue to give him a walloping.
Don’t put the controller down yet, though, because Pepperman’s got a second phase. His health bar will refill, and he’ll repeat the same general pattern from the first phase, but at a faster speed and with more plentiful minion attacks. Remember that you can use your Mach Dash to climb walls in case the ground floor gets a little too crowded.
When Pepperman reaches his final health point, he’ll shrink and start running away from you. You just need to get one more hit on him, but if he eludes you for too long, he’ll get some of his health back. He’s tricky in this state, but you can get him by running up a wall and performing a quick dive attack.
Pepperman has been defeated! For your trouble, you’ll receive a big key, opening the path to the next floor of the tower. Pepperman will actually be bumming around up there as well, but don’t worry, he won’t bother you.
For more Pizza Tower shenanigans, check out our beginner’s guide, as well as the list of platforms it’s available on. Visit our Facebook page as well for more news and guides.
Published: Jan 27, 2023 12:03 pm