In the brand-new hunting game Wild Hearts, players will have to use cutting edge technologies to combat fearsome monsters that are trying to turn you into their dinner! Your character is a skilled hunter in the single-player or multiplayer game, and you wield Karakuri to take down these wild animals driven insane. It’s all up to you and your companions to control the untamed terrain of the previously utopian Azuma with this antiquated technology, where very few people have survived since the inception of these terrifying beasts. EA’s newest hunting game gives a fresh perspective on the hunting genre, and you’ll be left speechless by its razor-sharp graphics and revolutionary fighting system.
There are plenty of different monsters in the game – called Kemono – and all offer a unique set of abilities and fighting styles that will force you to switch up how you fight each time you do battle. The largest of all the Kemono is the Earthbreaker, a massive bear made out of what appears to be almost solid rock and stone. In this guide we cover how to take down this enormous walking mountain in Wild Hearts.
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How Do You Defeat the Earthbreaker in Wild Hearts?

While there are many different beasts in Wild Hearts that could ruin your day, the Earthbreaker is certainly one of the more difficult to come out victorious against. When you are fighting the Earthbreaker, keep in mind that your normal attacks will actually have zero effect on it. If you didn’t think that was enough, it also has very few weak spots that you can hit to deal some damage.
When you anger the Earthbreaker, it will reveal a new weak spot which is located around it’s head area. Aim for this and other weak points found around its body to slowly whittle down its health and destroy it before it can pulverize you. Make sure to keep out of its path and stay wary of the Earthbreaker’s deceptively long range. Good luck, and happy hunting!
If you would like to read more guides on Wild Heart, don’t miss “All Confirmed Traps and Gadgets in Wild Hearts”. Be sure to check out Gamer Journalist on our Facebook to see other Wild Heart content and tutorials about other games that you know and love.
Published: Feb 16, 2023 10:33 am