Night Shift (2018) is back with its final version titled Stay Out of the House, released October 13, 2022. Stay Out of the House adds to the Slasher subgenre of Horror mastered by the developer Puppet Combo, with this new challenging installment. Play as Roxanne who is kidnapped during her night shift and held captive in the killer’s house. Sneak around the Granny, avoid being seen by the Butcher and hide away from the Baby. Nowhere is safe. The vents can flood with poisonous gas, there are bear traps on the floor and Resident Evil style puzzles scattered around the house. You have 3 days to escape and there are 4 endings to this game. Which ending will you get?
This guide will show you how to achieve all endings in Puppet Combo’s Stay Out of the House.
The key to escaping the House is by using the Can Opener in the Kitchen. In order to use this however, you need to find all 3 batteries. The Battery Locations are:
- In the Radio
- In the Smoke Detector
- On the Ceiling Fan
For your escape you will need to take the Revolver (make sure there are bullets in the chamber), and any heals in case you are chased. Because you need to make your escape from the Kitchen, make sure you save before you attempt this. Place the 3 Batteries into the Can Opener battery compartment on the back. The Can Opener is on the Stove opposite the desk where the Butcher is often seen butchering flesh. The Can to use is located on the Wall Cabinets directly above the Can Opener.

After putting in the batteries and placing the can in the can opener, quickly go into the vents in between the Metal Door and the Stove. You need to be quick as the Butcher will run in and start slashing his cleaver on the flesh on the table. Wait in the vents for 30 seconds until he is gone. Once he leaves, exit the vents and go to the Stove. Look on the floor and you will see a glowing object. Pick it up to obtain the Key. This is for the front door.

Get to the Front Door
Be sure to not get caught in this moment otherwise you will have to do everything again and your inventory will be taken off you. To easily evade the Granny, make sure that the lights are off and that you are not using the lighter or flashlight. The Granny will not see you so you can simply stand in the corridor as she drives past. We recommend hiding under the dining table and waiting until the Butcher walks to the Kitchen side off the house.
Alternatively, use the vent system to get back into the Side area of the House (behind the boarded-up half broken door). In your playthrough you should have pulled the nails off the boards so that you can get in and out of this area easily. Whilst this is a longer route it guarantees that you will not get caught as the Butcher will not be patrolling this area yet.

Outside Chase Sequence
Once you are outside turn left and head towards the first building you see. Head inside and there will be a door with an Old Lock on your right. Unlock this and follow the path through to an open window.

Exit out of the building and begin walking to the right, following the path. At the opening, the Butcher will appear to your right with a revved-up chainsaw. Run to the left and shoot the Butcher if he gets too close to temporarily halt his movements.

You do not have a stamina bar here so just keep running. There is a bend after the long pathway, so turn left and keep going. Eventually you will arrive at a small residential area. Go past the houses until you reach one with the lights on. You made it!
This is the easiest ending to get as it is the Game Over ending. All you have to do to get this ending is get caught 3 times by the Butcher. Every time you are caught a day passes. As you only have 3 days to escape, simply escape all 3 starting rooms and get caught by the Butcher. To escape these rooms:
- Pull away the wire in your cage at the top left corner of the cage.
- Remove the three Door pins.
- Repeatedly click to break out of the arm straps. The Door in the room is unlocked.
In order to achieve this ending, you need to find the two Shutdown Keys hidden in the Bunker.
This is part of The Bunker section of the Game and is crucial to achieving the Mother Ending. There are 2 Shutdown Keys to find in the Bunker. Here is what to do step by step to blow up the facility.
Drain B2
Make sure that you drain B2 by going into B107 (the Pump Room). This room is locked, and its key is in B103. To enter this room, you must open the vents in B102 using a screwdriver (picked up in B106). The vents will take you straight to B103. Grab the Pump Room Key from the computer table drawers. Enter the vents on the right side of the room. Turn right and you will see a drop into water. Dive in and swim down the B2 corridor. You need to pull out two bags from the floor drains. Look out for bubbles as you swim through as an indicator to where the bags are blocking the drainage. Once you have pulled both out, return to the vents.

Locate the Shutdown Keys
Go into the other section this time, taking you into a large open area (calling this the Lobby room). There is a dying man lying on the floor, speak to him and he will tell you to blow up the facility. Grab his bullets and revolver. Now you can get both Shutdown Keys:
- Shutdown Key 1 – B104 (you need the Bolt Cutters to get to the Key)
- Shutdown Key 2 – B202 Footlocker (Code is 2405) This code is bugged and should be 1394 as the code is ACID converted into numbers. Some players have got the code 1304. The code was 2405 in my playthrough.
Reactor Room
This is the fast-track way of getting to the Reactor Room. Go to B207. Use the revolver to shoot off two doorknobs, one door is in the back of room B207. The other is after you have climbed the ladder down and followed the path round to the next area. After shooting off both doors you will enter the Reactor Room. In the room up the stairs, enter the Blue Key and its Shutdown Codes – B2, A2, C4, B1, B3, C1, A4, C2. In the room below, enter the Red Key and Codes – A1, B2, C3, B3, A3, A4.
A 5-minute countdown will start until detonation. Get out of there! Return to the Lobby area where the Butcher will be awaiting you, chainsaw in hand. There’s no point in fighting him so evade him as long as possible as you remove the Steel Beams in front of the Emergency Door. This will require multiple takes to remove the beams as the Butcher is chasing you in this room. So, focus on removing one beam at a time and avoid getting hit. Remove the beams by repeatedly left-clicking.

Go through the door after all beams have been removed and you will have successfully achieved the Mother Ending.
To find this ending play the game as if you are trying to get the Mother Ending. You need to get into the Reactor Room where you would input the Keys and their corresponding Codes to blow up the facility. But this time, go to the red door with the Electricity symbol on it. It is up the stairs, so walk past where you would put in the Blue Key and go through this door instead. Go round the corner and head to the end of the corridor where there is a giant hole in the wall. Explore this cave/tunnel system and achieve the Rebirth Ending.
Related: All Part 3 Lock Combinations and Locations in Stay Out of the House
Published: Nov 2, 2022 08:57 am