How many players is Second Extinction?

This article is over 4 years old and may contain outdated information

Second Extinction is a dinosaur hunting FPS game from Systemic Reaction. Players must use a combination of weapons, abilities, and teamwork to fight off waves of dinosaurs that have taken over the planet. The game enters early access on Steam on October 13, 2020. Before buying this title, you may be wondering exactly how many players Second Extinction supports. Here’s what you need to know.

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How many players is Second Extinction?

Second Extinction is a three-player online FPS co-op game. You can play solo or with a group of up to two other players. There are six missions to work through, each with different objectives, dinosaurs, and maps. Each main task also contains various side quests to complete. Work your way through the goals to level your character, earn credits, and level up your weapons more powerful.

Using your fast movement speed, you and your team can strategically reposition around the map, Apex Legends style. Look out for the dinosaurs, because they have some advanced hunting techniques. Some roam in packs, while others use brute force to tank your bullets. There are randomized aspects of each level, like the dinosaur positions and the weather. 

Second Extinction also has a feature known as the War Effort. Every player’s actions and accomplishments affect the world. Failure to suppress dinosaur invasions causes the threat levels to increase, impacting the difficulty of specific tasks. If things get too out of hand, players might encounter an Emergence Event. 
