LEGO Brawls Lobby
Image via Gamer Journalist/Red Games Co.

How Do Matches Work in LEGO Brawls?

Not sure which is which?

LEGO’s new brawling title, LEGO Brawls, has made quite a splash with both young and old gamers alike, because of its simple yet enjoyable gameplay loop. With thousands of character customization options to choose from, exciting attacks to master, and beautiful worlds to brawl in, there’s no shortage of fun to be had in this newly-released title.

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The cherry on top of this ice cream sundae of a brawler is its handful of unique modes for players to engage with, fighting enemies and racking up XP as they go along. Today, we’ll explain how the matches work in LEGO Brawls so that you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into when it comes time to fight.

All Game Modes in Lego Brawls

LEGO Brawls Victory
Image via Gamer Journalist/Red Games Co.

For new players, LEGO Brawls can actually be a pretty confusing game, as far as its game modes go. When loading into a match via the Brawl option from the main menu, you’re dropped directly into an online lobby with little to no time to even get your bearings on what you’re about to be playing.

You simply get the name of the map with a teeny tiny icon on the bottom left side of each one. That’s excluding Free-For-Brawl of course, as there’s always the option to choose that mode specifically. But the others are kind of lost in the shuffle.

There are 4 different game modes that LEGO Brawls offers players to engage each other in. We’ll clarify how to play each game mode as well as what each one’s designated icon is so that you can vote on the ones you want to play.

Control Point

Control Point is one of LEGO Brawl’s own unique game modes. Two teams of 4 duke it out in a tug of war of who can hold down the singular Control Point longest during the match’s time. Whoever fills up their meter first wins. This one’s icon is simply a flag.

Collect Mode

This one sees two teams of 4 fight it out to see who can collect the most LEGO pieces over the duration of the match. Every player can lose their pieces if eliminated, so stay alive while taking out enemies. This one’s icon is a selection of random LEGO pieces.

Brawl Royale

Brawl Royale is one of LEGO Brawl’s every person for themselves type of modes. Here, the player that earns the most eliminations by the time the match ends is crowned the champion. Its icon is a Minifig head with an X through it.


Lastly, we have the cream of the crop, Free-For-Brawl. This mode, similar to Brawl Royale has every player fight each other in order to see who will be the match’s champion. The only difference here is that this is a best player standing scenario where once you die a few times, you’re out entirely. Luckily for those who get eliminations though, your health fills back up with every elimination you get. This mode’s icon is a set of boxing gloves.

There you have it! Those are all of the game modes in LEGO Brawls and how they work!

Related: Is Lego Brawls Crossplay? How to Add and Play With Your Friends

Image of Nathaniel Litt
Nathaniel Litt
Hi! I'm Nathaniel; Star Wars nerd, musician, and active daydreamer. When it comes to gaming, I'll try anything at least once. My mains though are FPS, Action-Adventure, and Puzzle-Platformers.