Wand in Hogwarts Legacy
Image via Avalanche Software

Hogwarts Legacy Allows You to Be a Dark Wizard – Launching Cats

Goat Launcher has a new DLC.

Wait, what? Hogwarts Legacy allows you to be tempted by the Dark Arts through its campaign, but Hogwarts Legacy players quickly discovered one of the darkest things you can do in the game. And we’re not talking about learning Unforgivable Curses. It turns out you can be a total jerk to cats in the game, by launching them through the air.

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Hogwarts Lets You Launch Cats

Throughout Hogwarts, you’ll come across numerous adorable cats on the castle’s grounds. They are after all one of the pets that students can have (even if the players can’t). For many players, they make for an adorable pit stop between objectives. You can even pet them and show them affection.

Or you can launch them through the air (as some Redditors have discovered). Using a combination of levioso to lift the cat into the air and basic attacks, the player can send the cat through the air several hundred feet away. Before anyone claims animal abuse, none of the cats are harmed (at least to the point of death), but they certainly don’t land on their feet.

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The player can actually be a bit of a terror to other wildlife like sheep and chickens as well, but cats in particular seem to tug at the heartstrings. After all, they only wanted affection. In a strange twist, none of the other NPCs or students react much to your cruelty or hijinks. You can blast away your basic attacks in the halls without so much as a scolding or sideways glance.

Maybe, it’s just another day at Hogwarts, and students are used to that one student making a scene while on the way to class. Still the road to becoming Voldemort is just one cat launch away. Wait, not even Voldemort would do something like that.

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Image of Matthew Wilson
Matthew Wilson
Matthew Wilson is currently the Managing Editor for Gamer Journalist. He's previously served as Managing Editor for the Lifestyle brand Outsider. Matthew has also worked for USA TODAY, Business Insider, Esquire, and Psychology Today. In his free time, he loves to travel and to play video games, two passions that fuel his work.