Metal: Hellsinger provides you with lots of opportunities to massacre, genocide, and shred your opponents. There is more than one way to skin a demon, as they say. Aside from slaughtering and shooting, every one of your six weapons has its own ultimate, all of which could sway the tide of bloody battle. Here are all of your weapon’s ultimate in Metal: Hellsinger.
How to activate your weapon’s ultimate in Metal: Hellsinger
Every weapon has an ultimate, which must be charged to activate. When in battle, the yellow bar to the right of your health is the equipped weapon’s ultimate bar. As you deal damage, it will fill. As soon as it is filled, you can use the right mouse click to unleash it there and then. There will be a small cool down before it can fill up again.
Weapons with their ultimate charged will appear golden in the HUD. Each weapon will charge its ultimate in isolation of the others. There is no passive ultimate gain (unless you have the Ultimate Sovereignty Sigil active) so you will have to use each weapon to charge them.
There is only one ultimate per weapon.
Every ultimate in Metal: Hellsinger
Paz – Thunder and Hell
Paz is more of a tool than a weapon, and his ultimate highlights this. Thunder will call from the sky, crystalizing enemies or briefly slowing them down. Many enemies will be affected at once.
If you strike a crystalized enemy on-beat, then all the other crystalized enemies will shatter, making this is a great weapon for instantaneous crowd-control. If an enemy does not get crystalized, they will not still receive damage.

Terminus – Infernal Solo
Inferno Solo is an incredible game-changing ultimate and in the right situations deals the most damage in one activation. When activated, your beat markers will double in frequency and will hasten, allowing you double the perfect hits.
Not only does this let you deal huge damage quickly, but attacks are ranged for the duration, allowing you to slice through crowds and take down Behemoths and Marionettes alike. If you are ever in a tough situation, Infernal Solo will handle it.
Not only all that, but you switch out the weapon whilst the ultimate is active to cancel it, and any remaining ultimate will remain.
Persephone – Seventh Seal
Seventh Seal is simple, powerful, and fun. It has the potential to take out Behemoths in one hit, or a crowd of simpler foes.
This ultimate is essentially unleashes one huge round that pierces through enemies and deals huge damage, especially if you time it on-beat. As long as you are close and preferably have a high fury, Seventh Seal will rip through and large and tough beast or elite standing in your way.

The Hounds – Echo of Death
This is one of my favorites. Echo of Death provides what we all need in Metal: Hellsinger. A helping hand. A shadow clone of yourself wielding The Hounds will be produced where you were standing upon activation and will pivot around and shoot any beast that stumbles into its line of sight.
This extra pair of guns will come in handy with any situation, and you can perch your clone on a high point to shave off any stragglers or assist you with a boss. The clone is invulnerable and is active for a moderate time.
Vulcan – Fate
Fate is an ultimate that isn’t handy in all situations, but when it is needed, it is needed. Aim Vulcan at a spot away from you and preferably near a cluster of enemies.
Upon activation, a singularity will open up and will drag all enemies in a moderate range towards it where they will be stuck till it expires. The singularity merely groups enemies for easy slaughtering, it does not deal damage and you are not affected.

Hellcrow – A Murder of Crows
Getting harassed and surrounded? A Murder of Crows will summon a swarm of crows to flock and fly around you, dealing great damage to any enemies that hit them.
Due to the sheer quantity of crows, this ultimate can take down any tough enemy that gets close quarters, but they do not fare well in a boss fight.
Related: Metal: Hellsinger Sigil tier list
Keep an eye on Gamer Journalist for more gaming and Metal: Hellsinger content.
Published: Sep 12, 2022 12:03 pm