War is chaos. War is hell. Why make it more confusing? Understanding the best place to start in Company of Heroes 3 can help new and seasoned players alike.
Even if you have played previous Company of Heroes games, it’s best to start Company of Heroes 3 with the tutorial. However, the games’ menu is a bit confusing. Here’s how to get there.
Start With Company of Heroes 3 Tutorial
When you first launch the game, it will assume you want to play the tutorial. You can get out of it by pressing Escape and then choosing the Quit to Menu option. Or, if you’re looking for a refresher and have already completed the tutorial, you can find it under the Single Player menu.

Progress to Italian Dynamic Campaign
The Italian Dynamic Campaign features more tutorials as part of the gameplay. This is the intended — and most natural — progression from the tutorials. The story is not historically or narratively linear if you go this route, but it makes the game much easier to learn.
Try North African Operation Last
When you’re ready for a more complex gameplay experience and want the most action, try the North African Operation. You’ll get more options here regarding which units come into play, and there aren’t tutorial actions in the North African Operation.
Multiplayer Options for Company of Heroes 3

Company of Heroes 3 also offers multiplayer options. Via automatch, you can get either campaign, or create a Custom Game (using mods from Steam Workshop, if you’d like) to play in the campaign setting of your choice. Customizing your co-op mode is a strong feature of this game.
Tips for New Company of Heroes Players
Company of Heroes 3 is a rewarding but challenging game — it’s a bit different from anything out there, which is what makes it fun. You’re entering into a strategy game that also permits seriously competitive multiplayer experiences.
Play the AI First
Once you add people into the mix, the community determines a lot about your gaming experience. For that reason, I recommend learning the game well by playing in single player mode first, with the AI as your opponent. This is especially true for those new to real-time strategy (RTS) games. Jumping into multiplayer is like watching a bunch of people play at warp speed, and it’s really intimidating for a newbie. People are NOT nice when you’re slow.
Connect Your Captured Points to HQ
You need to ensure your captured points get connected to your headquarters. Otherwise, your team won’t be able to get the resources they need from what you’ve captured. Simply isolating your opponent is not enough: you need to be connected to your captured or acquired resources.
Keep Explosives in Reserve for Big Moments
You know how in other types of games, your characters might get a big, epic, once daily move? That’s kind of how explosives function in Company of Heroes 3. They aren’t common, and when you do have them, they’re a resource you should carefully consider before using. Toss them in when you’re at a make-it-or-break-it moment or a stalemate. Not only will it look epic, it will push you towards victory!
Learn the Hotkeys
Lastly, you have to assign and learn hotkeys if you want to play competitively or go beyond playing against the AI. Your human competition is fast thanks to mastering hotkeys, so you have to do the same thing if you want to keep up. Instill this habit in your gameplay from the beginning, even though you may find the tutorial and play vs. AI comparatively easy. It’s never too early to learn good habits.
If you enjoyed our guide, you may also be interested in How to Play with Friends in Company Of Heroes 3.
Published: Feb 27, 2023 11:48 am