Everybody loves Peaceful mode in Minecraft; you don’t have to worry about being snuck up on by Creepers or even starving to death! Peaceful mode is a great resource for those who like occasionally mining in peace, but for the people who like staying in this game mode all the time, beating the game might not be possible. Keep reading to see if you can possibly beat Minecraft in Peaceful mode!
Can You Beat Minecraft in Peaceful Mode?
Most Minecraft players have beaten Minecraft before, and most Minecraft players have played the game in Peaceful mode, but very few have done both at the same time. Technically, you can beat Minecraft while in Peaceful mode, but it’s extremely difficult and most Minecraft players are smart enough to not even attempt it. This is because beating Minecraft while in Peaceful mode doesn’t require skill or resources, it requires luck.

Related: Does the Ender Dragon Spawn in Peaceful Mode in Minecraft?
Obviously, Blazes and Endermen will not spawn while the game is in Peaceful mode, which is a major problem if you’re trying to beat the game. The resources that Blazes and Endermen provide when killed are essential to crafting Eyes of Ender, which you’ll need to complete the End Portal to get to the Ender Dragon. However, there is always a small chance that you will not need to craft Eyes of Ender at all.
There is an extremely small chance that an End Portal will spawn with all 12 Eyes of Ender already put into the frame, which means you wouldn’t need Blazes or Endermen to get to the End dimension. Furthermore, despite popular belief, the Ender Dragon will still spawn in Peaceful mode; if you get lucky by getting a pre-completed End Portal, you can absolutely beat Minecraft while in Peaceful mode.
Published: Oct 27, 2022 05:43 pm