To unlock 6-Star Raids, players must first beat 15 5-Star Raids. Upon completing this requirement, players will receive a call from Academy Teacher, Mr. Jacq. Here he will tell you about 6-Star Raids, giving you access to these higher-level Raids. There are many 6-Star Tera Raid Pokémon to fight, look out for the black crystals around Paldea. The crystals change per day, with different Raid Pokémon inside. For those looking to take on the 6-Star Raids solo, these are our top picks of the best Pokémon to use against the 6-Star Tera Gyarados in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
Tera Gyarados is a Water-Type Pokémon, therefore its weakness is Electric and Ground. These are our best Pokémon and Builds to use to beat this 6-Star Tera Pokémon.
Iron Hands
Surprise, surprise, our first pick is Iron Hands. We are seeing this time and time again as the current meta for solo Raids. Iron Hands is a Violet exclusive. This Pokémon is the strongest pick for soloing Tera Raids so we 100% recommend players on Scarlet version should trade with Violet users to get Iron Hands. With insanely high damage output and the ability to regain health, Iron Hands can take on any 5- and 6-Star Tera Pokémon.
Iron Hands is located in Research Station 1 of Area Zero. Players must first complete the three questlines of Scarlet and Violet. These are Path of Legends, Starfall Street and Victory Road, you will have a total of 18 badges collected at this point. After this, you must beat the final Boss in Area Zero and see the credits. This will give you access to the post-game functions of 5- and 6-Star Tera Raids. In the post-game, players should return to Area Zero Gate and visit Research Station 1. This Paradox Pokémon is found in Area Zero only and is commonly spawns.
Iron Hands Build
- Wild Charge
- Belly Drum
- Drain Punch
- Thunder Punch
- Held Item – Life Orb
Miraidon is the Legendary Pokémon of version Violet. Players upgrade this Pokémon abilities through beating the Titans of Paldea, resulting in players being able to fly, climb, swim, dash and high jump. We see Miraidon in its battle form at the beginning of the game. Miraidon can return to battle form upon completing the base-game of Violet. To use Miraidon in battle form, access the Main Menu and hover over Miraidon icon and name. Press A and then A again after being asked if you want to change this Pokémon into battle form. Miraidon needs to be swapped out with another member of your active party to use if your party is full. Now whenever you go into battle Miraidon will be an available Pokémon to use.
This Legendary Pokémon has the ability to regain health back with Parabolic Charge. As Miraidon is an Electric/Dragon-Type, they are the perfect option to taking on Gyarados in a Tera Raid Battle. Due to its exclusivity on Violet, Scarlet players must trade with a Violet user in order to obtain a Miraidon of their own. Alternatively, if you are friends with a Violet player, you can join their game and find a wild Level 72 Miraidon in Area Zero. You can only catch Miraidon in the post-game, inside Area Zero. To find the wild Miraidon, head to the very bottom of Area Zero and look for an ascending rock formation where Miraidon will be waiting for battle.
Miraidon Build
- Charge Beam
- Parabolic Charge
- Electro Drift
- Metal Sound
- Held Item – Life Orb
Great Tusk
Great Tusk is another Paradox Pokémon, found solely inside the Area Zero. You would have already visited Area Zero as players must complete the game in order to access this area to find Paradox Pokémon. You must see the game credits to enter the post-game of Scarlet and Violet. Great Tusk can be found in Research Area 2 via the Zero Gate portal in the middle of the room. As one of the Scarlet exclusive Pokémon, Violet players must trade with Scarlet users to obtain this exclusive Paradox Pokémon for themselves. Whether it is to complete the Pokédex or to build a strong Pokémon to take on Tera Raids. This is our best Ground-Type Pokémon to take on 6-Star Gyarados.
Great Tusk has the great move Earthquake which cannot damage the AI Pokémon. Add the held item Shell Bell so that this Pokémon can regain health. This is crucial for Tera Raids and is why the best option for taking on most 6-Star Pokémon is Iron Hands.
Great Tusk Build
- Earthquake
- Close Combat
- Headlong Rush
- Megahorn
- Held Item – Shell Bell
Players can find Eelektrik in the South Paldean Sea via South Province (Area Six). You will need to get the ability to swim with Miraidon/Koraidon. To unlock this Legendary ability, players must beat the Open Sky Titan, Bombirdier. You can find this Titan on the western side of Paldea. This Titan can be beaten very early in the game, it is recommended to beat this Titan second in the Path of Legends questline. As most players will have already beaten the game and seen the credits as they are preparing to fight the 6-Star Tera Gyarados, it is obvious that the swim ability will already be unlocked. With the swim ability, players can locate Eelektrik very easily and upon catching, evolve this Pokémon into Eelektross using a Thunder Stone.
You can find a Thunder Stone in the areas:
- At the back of Levincia (overseeing the Eastern Sea)
- Casseroya Lake
- West Province Area 1 wind turbines
Related: Where to Find Thunder Stones in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet – Map and All Locations.
Alternatively, players can catch a Tera Eelektross next to the small island in the sea north of North Province (Area One). Players can fast travel to this area via the Area One Watchtower on the northern border of Paldea. Refer to the image below for an exact location of the Tera Eelektross. This Pokémon is a Level 65. This should be an easy catch at this point for our other Pokémon suggestions are all obtained in the post-game. Therefore, players will already have high level Pokémon to catch the Tera Eelektross.
As this Pokémon is a much higher level upon catching, it may be far more appropriate to use the Tera Eelektross as opposed to the lower levelled Eelektrik you would have caught in the South Paldean Sea. The Tera Eelektross will be far more useful in 5- and 6-Star Tera Raid Battles unless you happened to use Eelektrik/Eelektross throughout the base-game.

Eelektross Build
- Charge Beam
- Thunder Wave
- Discharge
- Tackle
- Held Item – Shell Bell
Those are the best Pokémon and Builds to use to fight the 6-Star Tera Raid Pokémon, Gyarados in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. For more Pokémon content, see our related article: Best Pokémon to Use Against the Black Tera Raid Charizard in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
Published: Dec 2, 2022 10:36 am