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Best Locations to Find Shiny Fire-Type Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet

Twisted Fire-Starters

Shiny Hunting can be difficult when all Pokémon appear in the wilderness of Paldea. However, by using the Shiny Sandwich to eliminate all Typings aside from the Pokémon you are looking for, life becomes a whole lot easier. The search for Shiny Fire Pokémon is down to Picnic Resets and popping Shiny Sandwiches if you do not yet have the Shiny Charm. With starting odds of 1/4096, these can be increased with various methods. Such as the Town Method or completing the Pokédex before you begin the hunt for Shinies. This guide will show you the best spots to locate the Shiny Fire Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet.

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Best Places to Find Shiny Fire Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet

Fire-Type PokemonShiny Location in Paldea
CharcadetNorth-east of Cortondo, head outside of the Olive Fields and cross the river on the west. Head up the cliff side where you will find many Charcadet along this path and on its peak. Alternatively, head east from West Province (Area One) – Central where you fill find Charcadet on the path to the hill previously mentioned. You can use the Picnic Reset method as a means of increasing your chances. Using a Fire Sandwich too will also make other Types disappear for your Charcadet hunt. Shiny Charcadet have blue eyes.
OricorioJust south outside of Artazon, before heading into the sandy biome. This Pokemon appears in the very south-east corner of the grassy area before the sand biome starts. This is a prime spot to use a Picnic Reset in combination with the Fire Shiny Sandwich. Look out for the Shiny with a black feather coat.
Growlithe/ ArcanineFound in the north-east corner of East Province (Area Three). Use Levincia as a fast-travel point and head north. Go into the sandy biome and head towards the river flowing from Glaseado Moutains into East Paldean Sea. You want to stay on the edge of the cliff side, overlooking the Lighthouse. Many Pokemon will appear here, even with the Fire Sandwich in use. So keep that in mind when you attempt to Shiny Hunt.
Rolycoly/ Carkol/ TorkoalRolycoly and Carkol can be found on the north-east corner of East Province (Area Three). Head north of Levincia and hug the Province border, overlooking the East Paldean Sea. These Pokemon can be found in between Levincia and the River. Located in the sandy biome. Do not explore the sandy biome of this Province, instead stay alongside the eastern edge for Shiny Hunting these Pokemon. Can also be found, with Torkoal between the south entrance of Tagtree Thicket and the Pokémon Centre. Use the Town Method to despawn the Pokémon.
NumelUse the West Province (Area One) North fast-travel point and head to Cascarrafa (West) entrance. This Pokémon can be found along this specific route, hugging the edge of the Asado Desert. Follow the path next to the Pokémon Centre until you reach Cascarrafa. Repeat until you find the Shiny Numel. Numel will appear close to the path you are walking on. The Shiny form has a grey patch on its back.
LarvestaLarvesta can be found on the back of the rock formation that is located on the right side of the Asado Desert. Specifically it is the formation closest to Cascarrafa. Sweep the formation to despawn the Pokémon or use the Picnic Reset Method. You can use the Asado Desert Watchtower as a start and end point in your Shiny Hunt for Larvesta. Create a path from this Watchtower to the formation located south-east and you will eventually find a Shiny Larvesta.
Houndour/ HoundoomThese spawn incredibly close to the Poco Path Lighthouse, inside the Inlet Grotto Caves. So use the Lighthouse as a fast-travel point. Go into a large Cave Chamber for Houndour family spawns and walk back and forth to despawn them. You need to be at a far distance to despawn. You can also find this Pokémon in North Province (Area Two), specifically south of the Fury Falls fast-travel point. You will find these Pokémon together in family spawns, only in the grassy biomes. Use either the Picnic Reset Method or do a full sweep of the grassy areas for these Pokémon.
CameruptCamerupt can be found with Numel at North Province (Area Two). Head south from the Fury Falls fast-travel point and into the grassy biome. These Pokémon will appear here in family spawns. Sweep the grassy area for these Pokémon which will also spawn with Houndour and Houndoom.
Scovillian/ FlareonFound at North Province (Area One) Watchtower. Repeatedly sweep the body of water area in a circular motion, to despawn the Pokémon. Flareon will spawn closer to the northern edge of the Province, overlooking the North Paldean Sea. You can also create a path from the Watchtower into the west side of the Province, staying on the grassy biome. Both Pokémon will continuously spawn in this large area.
Litleo/ PyroarUse the South Province (Area Five) Pokémon Centre to fast-travel to. Climb up the giant cliffside north of the Centre until you reach the top of the sandy biome. Litleo will spawn here. Head over towards the Ruins and use as a middle point of your sweep of the area. You want to head up the mountain towards its peak and then head back down towards the Ruins. The Picnic Method may not be the best to hunt these as whilst there is a lot of spawns, they do not spawn in together. With these singular spawns spread out, you want to head up and down this sandy biome from top to the Ruins so that you are changing the spawns. Pyroar and Litleo will spawn right outside the Glaseado Mountain Watchtower. Head up and down from the Watchtower and family spawns of these Pokémon will be here so you can easily despawn the families.
Salandit/ SalazzleFound in Alfornado Caves. Located in West Province (Area One). Use the Town Method to reset the spawns inside the Caves where both Pokémon will appear close to the invisible line. Scout the bottom floor of the Caves via the Alfornado Cave entrance and then reset its spawns using the Town Method.
Fletchling/ FletchinderHead south from Cortondo and go over the River. Both Pokémon are found on the south side of the River. You need look out for its yellow chest for the its Shiny form. You could use the Picnic Method here to change the spawns or just sweep the entire area of this side of the River as the Pokémon will naturally despawn.
Volcarona/ TalonflameFound inside Research Station 1 of Area Zero. Found one the first path down into the main area of this Station. You cannot use Picnics in the Area Zero so you will have to continuously sweep the area. Keep going up and down the hill just outside the Station entrance. Volcarona has yellow wings on its Shiny form. Talonflame spawn to the left of the Station entrance, head up the hill and begin walking to the rocking mountain on the right. Talonflame will be flying in the air to the left of this area. You can respawn this Pokémon by slightly heading up the rocky mountain and then coming straight back down and looking to the right. Talonflame also appear at the top of the rocky mountain side so you can despawn to spawn points by going up and down this wall.
Fire Tauros (Scarlet)Found just north of Levincia. Head to the very top of the hill just outside of the Eastern City. Tauros will appear here. These are a hard Shiny to spot as the only change in form is that the mane of the Tauros is a lighter color than its body. Despawn them in between East Province (Area Two) and East Province (Area Three).
Iron Moth (Violet)Inside Research Area 1, the Pokémon will immediately appear. Iron Moth has a silver tip on its wings and head instead of red. Stay within the large clearing and do a circular sweep to despawn the Pokémon within this area. You do not need to go far in this Station to find many Iron Moth.

Related: Best Locations to Find Shiny Dragon-Type Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet.

Best Shiny Sandwiches to Use

When Shiny Hunting, the best chances to improve your odds is by eating a Shiny Sandwich. These will remove all other Pokémon Typings from the wilderness of Paldea. Making life a whole lot easier to Shiny Hunt. The best Sandwich Recipes to use to hunt Shiny Fire Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet are:

  • Intermediate Shiny Fire Sandwich – x1 Basil, x1 Salty Herba Mystica & x1 Sweet/ Spicy/ Sour Herba Mystica.
  • Expert Shiny Fire Sandwich – x2 Red Bell Pepper, x1 Onion, x1 Prosciutto, x1 Green Bell Pepper, x1 Yellow Bell Pepper, x1 Bitter Herba Mystica & x1 Spicy Herba Mystica.

Most of the Pokémon on this list requires you to continuously check the same area by despawning the Pokémon. This can be done either through the use of Picnic Resets or by moving far away enough that the Pokémon behind you vanish. To Picnic Reset, simply take out a minimum of 60 Pokémon in the area, place down a Picnic and then close it. Repeat the opening and closing of the Picnic to despawn the Pokémon in the area. This will change the spawns and increase your odds.

We hope this list on where to find the Shiny Fire-Type Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet is useful. For Shiny Locations, feel free to look at Best Locations to Find Shiny Dark-Type Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet. Looking for Shiny Hunting tips? Check out, How to Easily Get a Shiny Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet if you are interested. Feel free to follow us at Gamer Journalist on Facebook for more Pokémon Scarlet and Violet guides and content.

Image of Hadley Vincent
Hadley Vincent
Hadley is a Freelance Writer for Gamer Journalist. They have been with the company since October 2022. With a BSc Honors in Psychology, Hadley focuses their creativity and passion for Video Games by primarily covering Horror, FPS, and anything with a great narrative. You will often find Hadley covering the latest indie horror games or deploying into Call of Duty's DMZ. They love a good story and one that can keep them up at night, be that for its scares or its lore.