last hope feature
JE Software

Best Heroes in Last Hope Tower Defense, Ranked

Out of all the heroes, which is the best?

Last Hope is a fantastic tower defense game where you are fending off against the insurmountable hordes of undead creatures. You are not alone, however. You will have the assistance of many mighty heroes to help you out. Out of the eight you can choose from, which ones should you pick? Here is the ranked list of heroes in Last Hope.

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All heroes in Last Hope, ranked

This list will deal with the worst heroes in Last Hope and work its way down to the best.

Desert Scout

The Desert Scout is useful by the full definition of the word when compared to any other unit. And not even his abilities make up for it. The Desert Scout has a fantastic range, however that is all that is going for him. He is super squishy and has a low DPS.

desert scout last hope
JE Software

Not only that, but his rocket barrage ability is too slow for energy responses and his short-range drone scarcely gets any action due to the hero’s long range. So his abilities and useless and his stats are poor. Don’t waste your money or time on this hero!

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The Sheriff is also pretty redundant due to there being many other better alternatives. Better stats generally than the Desert Scout, the Sheriff still doesn’t have any outstanding traits. His long range is really the only asset that could make him useful as a fourth or third hero in your selection, however it would be recommended to save up for another hero instead.

With no outstanding traits, the Sheriff pales in comparison to all the other heroes.

Indian Princess

The starting hero of the game, there are clear reasons why the Indian Princess wouldn’t rank too highly on this list. Despite being well-rounded and versatile, the Princess’ ability limits her. The arrow rain isn’t accurate nor reliable and it takes a while to complete. Not only that, but she is not attacking whilst doing so. The lack of DPS isn’t really worth the ability.

Her passive abilities are decent, however, and this hero will do you a great service early in the game. You will want to replace her with a better hero as soon as you can, however, so don’t invest too heavily in her.

Indian Barbarian

The Barbarian is a hero that is quickly acquired in the campaign. With less DPS than the Princess, but higher damage, the Barbarian’s main trait is being able to block enemies and spawn defenders. The defenders are the Barbarian’s best asset, as you can spring them up anywhere to keep zombies busy, to tend to a spontaneous incursion of zombies.

barbarian last hope
JE Software

Again, the Barbarian isn’t one to invest too heavily in, but he is a great asset to have on your team when you don’t have any better ones to replace him with. Strong and with the Defender ability, he will save you from numerous pinches.


The Mechanic as a hero isn’t too great, with poor range and alright damage, but his abilities is where he really shines. His passive ability allows you to start the levels with more action points, which is a fantastic asset that could really save your run from the get-go. His other abilities, the sentry spiders and mines, are great tools that can really lay into bosses and stop zombie leaks.

With all three abilities being really good, it is worth bringing the Mechanic along, even if he isn’t great himself.


The soldier has a fantastic DPS from an insane fire rate. The healing ability isn’t actually as good as you may hoped it would be, but ultimately, the Soldier is a must-have for any player. Being able to melt through enemies in a quick manner speaks for itself how useful such a hero would be.

Sure, the healing isn’t great, but it can be thought of as a neat little bonus on top of the high damage concentration. The Roadblock ability also comes in handy as it stops zombie progress, even if only briefly, which gives more time for the Soldier to thin the herd.


Only available after completing the campaign on normal difficulty, the Scientist is a great defender unit that will have you laughing through the levels. The Scientist himself combined with the crazy abilities make even most nightmare levels a walk in the park. His weapon, the plasma gun, chains to other enemies, dealing lots of damage to numerous enemies at once.

And his abilities are nothing short of incredible. The Scientist can spawn a zombie Gorilla, which speaks for itself as it rampages through the map, destroying zombies and throwing boulders around. Also, the Scientist can summon a meatwall of friendly zombies that halts zombies in their track as they try to grind through all the health of the shield. Try to get through the campaign as quick as you can to benefit from this crazy unit.

Mech Warrior

At last, the best unit in the game is the Mech Warrior. The DPS on this hero is insane, and with the numerous weapon systems comes the ability to fight numerous zombie start points at once, providing excellent coverage and damage.

Mech Warrior last hope
JE Software

But not only that, his electric pulse ability slaughters all nearby weaker zombies and stuns all the other zombies that survive the damage. A meat shield and a powerhouse, you will want to acquire the Mech Warrior as soon as you can. It is expensive, but well worth it as missions will become laughably easy. This is, however, only once the Mech Warrior is seriously upgraded.

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