No things in this world, good or evil, can run on an empty stomach. Even in a clandestine demon-worshipping cult, everyone’s gotta get their breakfast, or nothing is going to get done. If you’re starting out in Cult of the Lamb, you’ll need to rely on a few basic recipes to keep your followers fed. Here are some of the best early-game follower food in Cult of the Lamb.
Best Early-Game Follower Food in Cult of the Lamb
When you first establish your cult in Cult of the Lamb, you won’t have much in the way of resources besides a couple of berry seeds and a whole lot of grass. Grass can be used to craft Grassy Gruel, but since has a 25% chance to cause illness, it’ll cause your followers to lose faith in you if you overindulge in it. You should prioritize unlocking the Grass Eater perk, which removes the penalties incurred by Grassy Gruel, so you can safely feed them as much grass as you want.
In the meantime, your standbys will probably be berries, harvested from grown berry bushes, which in turn are used to make Basic Berry Bowls. These meals have a small chance to make a follower poop instantly which, while kind of gross, is a handy way of sourcing fertilizer for later crops. Just make sure not to leave the poop lying around, or it could cause illness.

When you get to Pilgrim’s Passage, you can start fishing. Once you’ve got a variety of fish, you can start making the Meager Mixed Meal. This simple dish doesn’t have any downsides, and it has a 10% chance to boost your followers’ Loyalty. Once you’re able to start growing pumpkins and sourcing safe meat, you can upgrade to the Modest Mixed Meal, which increases that Loyalty boost chance to 20%.
Oh, and if there’s a follower you hate, try feeding them a Deadly Dish, concocted from rancid meat, poop, and grass. There’s a 75% chance they’ll instantly drop dead, in which case, hey, who cares, but there’s a 100% chance they’ll drop some rare materials! It’s like a regular sacrifice, but more economical.
Published: Aug 10, 2022 11:06 am