Any given side in a war, real or fantasy, will take whatever minute edge they can get over those who oppose them. Slightly nicer guns for the troops? Done. Pretty, morale-boosting uniforms? Pays for itself. Every little bit helps, which is why you shouldn’t count out even the slightest boosts from Relics in Moonbreaker. Here are all Relics and what they do in Moonbreaker.
All Relics and What They do in Moonbreaker
Relics are special items you can pick up over the course of a Moonbreaker match, each providing a particular kind of boost or effect for your side of the conflict. You can grab one as soon as it appears, and you’ll have it for the entire rest of the match.
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The only catch is that you can only hold up to three Relics at once, and once your Relic slots are full, no more Relics will drop for you for the duration of the match. You can’t drop a Relic either, so make sure it’s something you really want before you pick it up. If you don’t like it, just leave it on the ground and wait for another Relic to spawn on subsequent rounds.
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There are 12 different Relics you have a chance of finding in a given match, and their effects, when picked up, are as follows:
- Armor Plates: Every member of your crew gets a +3 to their Health.
- Bag O’ Bullets: Every member of your crew gets a +1 to their Attack.
- Boobytrapped Igniters: Whenever a member of your crew destroys an enemy unit, that enemy unit will explode, dealing 2 damage to all units (friendly or hostile) near it.
- Cinder Bracelet: Makes all of your Captain Abilities free of charge.
- Glowing Armlet: Gives your Captain a bonus ability called Refresh Abilities. For one Cinder, you can instantly refresh all of your other Captain Abilities, as well as movements and basic attacks.
- Golden Ark: Whenever you destroy a rival crew, your side gets a Reinforce buff.
- Hands-Free Device: Gives Crankbait’s grappling ability to every member of your crew. This allows you to yank both objects and enemies closer to your members.
- Heroic Amulet: Instantly refreshes your Captain’s actions whenever they successfully destroy a rival. This includes abilities, movements, and attacks.
- Impact Munitions: All ranged attacks from your units also inflict knockback on whoever they hit.
- Phosphor Chain: Whenever your Captain takes damage, all of your rivals instantly take 1 damage as well.
- Smoking Jacket: After your turn, your Captain is surrounded by a low-visibility field until your next turn, making them harder for ranged units to target.
- Stimulating Formula: Whenever a rival collides with one of your units, that unit will automatically begin attacking them.
Carefully picking and choosing the Relics you want when they appear will go a long way toward securing your victory in Moonbreaker. Like I said, every little edge counts.
Published: Sep 29, 2022 01:03 pm