Can you save Earth? What a great starting day as the new Junior Puzzle Operative. As you progress through the story of The Entropy Centre, the puzzles get increasingly more difficult. With every act adding new gameplay mechanics, keep your problem-solving hat on as we go into Act 3. This is a guide on how to solve every Act 3 puzzle. Just started playing The Entropy Centre? Take a look at our Act 1 Puzzle guide.
Act 3 Intro

Act 3 starts with a simple fetch quest of the door power supply. However, the elevator is broken. What you need to do here is stand over the elevator rubble and rewind until you are at the top floor. On your left you will see the power supply. Go back onto the elevator and hit ‘stop rewind’. You will fall onto the ground floor. Do not worry, you do not take fall damage.
Use your rewind powers again on the elevator as you stand on it with the power supply beside you. Stop when you reach the first floor. Pick up the power supply and put it into the wall on your left. Rewind the supply to restart its power. The door is now unlocked.

Puzzle 0301

Entropy Centre’s introduces a new gameplay mechanic into every Act 3 puzzle. Jump pads. Simple and effective. You can increase the height of your jump by jumping onto the pad from a high place. This will be used multiple times in future puzzles. But for now, let’s head into Puzzle 0301 and practise with our new moveable object.

Puzzle 0301 is as simple as the puzzles seen in Act 1.
- Bring the jump pad from its starting position to the switch, then move it off and away from the switch. Bring the pad close to the lower section of the second floor. The screenshot taken is mid rewind so keep in mind that you should have the pad closer to the second floor so that you can easily jump up.
- Jump up to the second floor and look down at the jump pad. Rewind until the pad is on top of the switch.
- This switch will open the exit door.

Puzzle 0302

For this puzzle the jump pad is only used once and should remain on the ground floor. There are a total of 3 switches to use. The switch on the ground floor is 1 part of the exit door’s unlocking mechanism. The switch on the mid layer opens the door above the stairs and the switch on the top layer (beside the door) is part 2 of the exit door’s unlocking mechanism.

- Step one, place the jump pad onto the switch on the ground floor.
- After this, drag the pad to the lowest part of the second-floor wall.
- Pick up the box and go on the jump pad, taking the box and yourself to the second floor.
- Turn around and rewind the jump pad so that it is on the switch. This will unlock 1 part of the exit door.

- Here you will need to create a trail as seen in the screenshot above. All you need to do is place the box on the switch above the staircase. Then pick up the box and place it on the switch next to the bottom of the staircase.
- Leaving the box there, go through the now opened door at the top of the stairs and go round the corner to where the railing ends.

- From here you can rewind the box to return to your chosen starting point of the switch above the stairs.
- Hold rewind and follow the trail to the right, the beam will go through the walls. Make sure you do not let go of the rewind button. Otherwise, you will lose the trail and will not be able to click on the box through the wall/door.

Now with both door switches pressed, you can head on through the exit door and look for Puzzle 0303.
Puzzle 0303

This one seems much simpler than the last. This time you need to create one trail for the jump pad in order to get across 2 gaps. There are no switches this time, just simple platforming mechanics.

- Create a trail starting from the gap on the right (look at the screenshot for reference).
- Drag the jump pad to the top of the stairs and use the pad to jump across to the Time Gate.

- All you need to do from here is rewind the jump pad to the space in between yourself and the exit door.
- It should look like the screenshot below.
- Jump or fall directly onto the jump pad. As you are dropping from a high height you are guaranteed to make the jump across.

Puzzle 0304

I definitely overcomplicated this one in my playthrough. For this Act 3 puzzle there are 2 levels you need to get on top of using only 2 jump pads. Somehow this puzzle took me 10 minutes to figure out. But the solution is rather simple in the end.

- Place both jump pads up against the first-floor wall.
- Take one pad in your hand and use the other pad to get onto the first floor.

- Repeat this process again to get onto the second floor.
- To summarise: Take Pad 1 up to floor 2 using Pad 2, take Pad 1 back down. Take Pad 2 up to floor 2 using Pad 1. Place on the ground. Rewind Pad 1 so that it is on floor 2.

With both pads on the highest level, you can place Pad 1 and Pad 2 on the switches which will unlock the exit door.
Act 3 Ending

Every Act 3 puzzle has been completed. Players will find themselves in the Control Room. Now realising that the situation Aria Adams has somehow found herself in is far worse than what she could have ever imagined. Every puzzle we are completing is giving us entropy energy that is crucial to saving Earth. To avoid a cataclysmic event, The Earth’s time must be rewound to ensure the survival of civilization.
In this section of the game, you need to activate two switches. Both can be found by going through the emergency door on your right. Use your rewinding abilities to help you find and turn on the switches. This section of the game is simple. It is used to add necessary narrative and context for why you are here and your in-game goal.
Published: Nov 3, 2022 03:03 pm