The Warhammer 40,000 series is most known for its spectacular miniature wargame sets, as well as games focusing on The Imperium of Men such as Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine. However, developers over at Rogueside decided it was time for the Orks to receive their time in the sun.
In Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef, the player will need to create their ideal Ork by choosing their class, weapon loadout, clan, and a novelty hat. The focus point of the game will come from selecting from one of the four different characters or classes available. Each character comes equipped with two distinct abilities, some of these abilities are passive, others activate secondary abilities to melee weapons or guns. Let’s dive in and take a look at all playable characters in Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef.
All Playable Characters in Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef
As mentioned above, when selecting a character at the start players will also choose one of the 4 different clans. These clans will determine what color armor an Ork wears, so keep that in mind when taking a look at the characters below.

Stormboy bursts in as our first character in the lineup. This character is allowed to wield a Tankhammer, a stronger but slower attacking melee that can provide a lot of damage and get players out of a pinch. Ability wise Stormboy has one passive ability and one throwable.
His passive ability, Rokkit Dash, improves on the normal dash mechanic by increasing the dash distance and causing any enemies in your path to catch on fire.
Along with this comes the throwable, Klusta Bomb. This ability lets Stormboy throw out a bomb grenade hybrid in any direction. Upon impact, the grenade will create a large explosion in the area while sending out smaller grenades in both directions. Stormboy’s kit means this character will be right at home in the thick of battle. Being able to clear out entire wave with both of his abilities as well as packing an even greater punch with melee attacks makes Stormboy a formidable foe for any enemies who dare walk in his path.
Flash Git

Even though any character can wield a gun, no other class will benefit more from using ranged weapons like Flash Git does. Starting out with his throwable, Flash Git carries some Molotov cocktails with him that are accurately named, Burna Bomb. Once thrown, this bomb will explode in an area lighting on fire any unfortunate souls trapped in its fiery clutches. Just be careful you or anyone you’re playing with doesn’t get caught in this fire as well.
This gunslinger also comes with the passive ability More Dakka, giving Flash Git the chance of not having to spend any ammo when firing his weapon. As a character that will live and die by the gun, this ability is a godsend for anyone who is looking to give this gun enthusiast a test drive.

Players returning to the world of Warhammer 40,000 will be happy to have Weirdboy in this character lineup. As the Psyker character of the group, this character controls the waaagh! energy around them. Focusing the energy into every and any attack he can, Weirdboy has some very useful abilities especially when playing with more people.
Equipped with his passive ability the Weirdboy staff, this melee weapon is almost the antithesis of the Tankhammer. The staff might do less damage than every other melee weapon in the game, but it makes up for it in a unique way. Anyone who is hit by the staff will be stunned and stuck standing where they are. This ability can do wonders when players need that extra second to breathe.
On top of the staff is Weirdboys throwable object, the Shokka Bomb. A bomb that mimics the staffs stunning ability with the added benefit of having an increased area of effect. Normally players would have to put themselves within melee range of enemies in order to stun them. Thankfully with the Shokka bomb no longer will a Weirdboy need to throw themselves into the line of fire in order help his team and stun the enemies.
Beast Snagga Boy

If players are searching for the most bloodthirsty, rambunctious, and dynamic choice of the group, then look no further than the Beast Snagga Boy. Living a simple life with one simple goal in mind, rip and tear apart anything and everything that they can lay their eyes on. This character harbors abilities that allow them to focus on mid range attacks when needed and handle crowds up close as well.
Unlike all the other characters in the game, Beast Snagga Boy has a replacement to his melee weapon in the form of a throwable Rokkit Spear. Any enemies struck by the spear will be impaled by it and either knocked backed or stuck to a wall. An explosion will detonate a few seconds after the spear is thrown dealing damage in a small area to any enemies around it.
Combined with the Rokkit Spear is this characters throwable ability the Bomb Squig. Unlike every other throwable that is a normal grenade, this grenade comes with the added benefit of being attached to a Squig with arms, legs, teeth, and even a timer. After a Bomb Squig is thrown, the little monster goes to work by immediately attacking the nearest enemy. Once latched on to a target, the Squig will not stop attacking until his timer runs out or he is killed. After which will cause an explosion dealing tons of damage to any enemies in the vicinity of the adorable killing machine. Seemingly acting as a beastmaster from Borderlands, the Beast Snagga Boy is a must pick for anyone who needs an extra little Squig in their life.
What is Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef?

Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef opens up by putting players in the very large shoes of Gargaz Teefgrabba. As part of the ‘WAAAGH! Gutrekka’, he is tasked with taking over the most important planet in all of the Armageddon sector with his warboss, Ogruk Gutrekka. These plans quickly collapse as Ogruk decides Gargaz is no longer of any use, steals his precious hair squig, and throws him out of his ship onto the surface of the planet, Luteus Alpha.
Rogueside have truly set themselves apart from other Contra and Dead Slug copies with Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef. Players only need to look at the variety in abilities between the four different characters to see that this game was made with a lot of love and honor. Not only honoring and improving the gameplay style of previous genre defining games, but also by allowing every player to live out their fantasy as one of da boyz blasting and smashing their way through the endless hordes.
If you’re wanting to see how to play with friends in Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef or check on the release date and trailer for Warhammer 40,000: Darktide, be sure to check out our other great articles and guides on Gamer Journalist.
Published: Oct 26, 2022 03:52 pm