Little Alchemy and Little Alchemy 2 cheats
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All Cheats in Little Alchemy and Little Alchemy 2

Complete recipe list for Little Alchemy and Little Alchemy 2!

Little Alchemy and Little Alchemy 2 have taken the internet world pretty quickly ever since the games were created. And having played them, I can’t say that I’m surprised.

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These 2 alchemy browser games offer exciting and often funny combos that just drive you to discover more. Since the list of possible combinations for both games is pretty big, it’s hard to discover all the elements on your own. Luckily, we came up with some help.

Keep reading to find all combos/cheats for Little Alchemy and Little Alchemy 2 and hack your way to 100% completion.

Related: How to Make Wood in Little Alchemy and Little Alchemy 2

All Combinations in Little Alchemy and Little Alchemy 2

All Cheats for Little Alchemy 2

Little Alchemy 2 has 720 Items/Elements that you can work with. Some of them will be familiar from the first installment of Little Alchemy, but there are plenty of new recipes and items in this upgraded sequel.

Here is the complete list of all combos for Little Alchemy 2:

Element / ItemRecipe / Combo
Acid RainRain + Smoke / Sickness / Smog / City
Cloud + Smoke / Sickness / Smog
AirAvailable at the beginning;  Fire + Mist
AirplaneBird + Metal / Machine / Train / Boat / Sailboat / Steel / Steam Engine / Car / Steamboat
Owl + Metal / Steel / Machine / Steam Engine
Vulture + Metal / Steel / Machine
Duck + Metal / Steel / Machine
Seagull + Metal / Steel / MachineBat + Metal / Steel / Machine
Eagle + Metal / Steel / Machine
Pigeon + Metal / Steel / Machine
Hummingbird + Metal / Steel / Machine
Crow + Metal / Steel / Machine
Pilot + Container
Alarm ClockClock + Sound / Dawn / Bell
Watch + Sound / Dawn / Bell
AlchemistGold + Human / Philosophy 
AlcoholJuice + Time / Wheat
Fruit + Wheat / Sun
AlgaeWater + Plant / Grass
Grass + Water / Pond / Lake
AlienLife + Space / Galaxy / Galaxy cluster / Solar system / Mars / Venus / Mercury / Saturn / Jupiter
AllergyHuman + Dust / Polen
AlligatorLizard + Swamp / River / Lake
AlpacaSheep + Mountain / Mountain range / Mountain goat
AmbulanceCar + Hospital / Doctor
AngelHuman + Bird / Light 
AnglerFishing rod + Human / Sailor
AnimalLife + Land / Forest / Mountain / Mountain range / Beach / Desert
AntGrass + Animal / Spider
Ant FarmAnt + Farm / Jar / Glass
Anthill + Jar / Farm
AntarcticaDesert + Snow / Ice
Continent + Snow / Ice
AnthillAnt + House / Container / Hill / Earth / Land / Soil
ApronFabric + Cook / Baker
AquariumGlass + Water / Fish / Puddle / Pond
Fish + Container
Small + Swimming pool
ArcheologistRuins + Human / Science
ArchipelagoIsland + Island / Sea / Ocean
ArcticCold + Sea / Ocean
ArmadilloArmor + Dog / Cat / Animal
ArmorFabric + Metal / Steel
ArrowWood + Bullet / Bow
AshFire + Mineral / Plant / Tree / Grass / Paper
Campfire + Water / Time / Rain / Paper
Vampire + Sun / Dawn
AstronautHuman + Space / Spaceship / Space station / Rocket / Moon / Mars / Mercury / Saturn / Jupiter / Venus / Solar system / Moon rover
AstronomerHuman + Telescope
AtmosphereAir + Planet / Sky
Atomic BombExplosion + Explosion / Energy / Big 
AuroraElectricity + Atmosphere / Antarctica / Sky / Arctic
Sky + Arctica / Antarctica 
Sun + Atmosphere
AvalancheEarthquake + Snow / Glacier / Mountain / Mountain range
AviaryBirdcage + Big
AxeWood + Blade / Tool / Stone
Tool + Lumberjack
BaconPig + Fire / Campfire 
Ham + Fire / Campfire
BacteriaLife + Primordial soup / Small / Mud
BakerHuman + Bakery / Bread / Banana bread / Pizza / Toast / Batter / Pie / Donut / Cookie / Cookie dough / Dough
BakeryHouse + Bread / Donut / Baker / Cake
City + Bread / Donut / Baker / Cake
Village + Bread / Donut / Baker / Cake
Baker + Container 
BananaFruit + Monkey
Banana BreadBanana + Dough / Bread
BandageFabric + Blood / Sword / Blade
BankGold + House / Skyscraper / City
Safe + House / Skyscraper / City
Money + House / Skyscraper / City / Container
House + Vault
BarnHouse + Cow / Livestock / Hay / Farm / Field / Sheep / Goat
Container + Livestock / Cow / Pig / Horse / Hay / Sheep / Goat / Hay bale
BarrelWine + Container / Wood
BatMouse + Sky / Air / Atmosphere / Bird / Hummingbird
BatterFlour + Milk / Coconut milk
BatteryAnimal + Wood / Dam / River / Stream
BayonetGun + Blade / Sword / Axe 
BBQCampfire + Metal / Steel / Garden / House / Meat
BeachSand + Ocean / Sea / Lake / Water / Wave
BeaverAnimal + Wood / Dam / Riveer / Stream
BeeAnimal + Flower / Garden
BeehiveBee + House / Tree / Forest / Wall / Wood / Container 
BeekeeperHuman + Beehive /
Bee Farmer + Beehive / Bee 
BeerWheat + Alcohol
BellSound + Wood / Metal / Steel 
Hammer + Metal / Steel
BicycleWheel + Wheel / Chain / Machine
BigPhilosophy + Universe / Galaxy / Galaxy cluster / Solar system / Sun / Planet
BinocularsGlasses + Glasses
Telescope + Telescope
BirdAnimal + Sky / Air / Airplane
Egg + Sky / Air / Airplane
Time + Pterodactyl / Dinosaur
BirdcageBird + Container / Wall / Safe
BirdhouseBird + House / Wall
Egg + Container
Black HoleSun + Pressure / Darkness
Star + Pressure / Darkness
BladeMetal + Stone / Rock
Steel + Stone / Rock
BlenderBlade + Glass / Electricity / Windmill / Wind turbine / Motion
BlizzardSnow + Snow / Storm / Hurricane / Tornado / Wind / Big
BloodHuman + Blade
Sword + Warrior
Blood BagBlood + Container / Sack / Bottle
BoatWood + Water / Sea / Ocean / Lake / River
BoilerPressure + Metal / Tool / Container 
Steam + Metal / Tool
BoneVulture + Corpse / Meat
Wolf + Corpse / Meat
Time + Corpse
Bonsai TreeTree + Scissors / Pottery / Small / Wire
BookNewspaper + Newspaper
Paper + Legend / Wood
Container + Story / Fairy tale / Legend / Idea
BottleContainer + Milk / Coconut Milk / Water / Juice / Oil / Wine / Alcohol / Beer / Chocolate milk / Soda / Perfume / Liquid
BoulderRock + Rock / Big / Stone / Earth
Small + Hill
Big + Stone
BowWood + Rope / Wire
BoxContainer + Pizza / Pencil / Cereal / Cookie / Donut / Cake / Crayon
BreadDough + Fire / Energy 
BrickMud + Sun / Fire
Clay + Fire / Sun / Stone
BridgeStream + Wood / Metal / Steel
River + Wood / Metal / Steel
BroomWood + Hay
BucketContainer + Wood / Paint / Chicken wing / Yogurt
Bottle + River / Paint
Chicken Wing + Box
BulletGunpowder + Metal / Steel / Tool / Container
Bulletproof VestArmor + Gun / Bullet
BusCar + Car / Train / City / Big
ButcherHuman + Meat / Ham
ButterMilk + Pressure / Energy / Motion / Tool
ButterflyAnimal + Flower / Garden / Rainbow / Double rainbow!
Butterfly NetNet + Bee / Butterfly
Cable CarMountain + Car / Rope / Wire
Mountain range + Car / Rope / Wire
CactusSand + Plant / Tree
Desert + Plant / Tree
CageWolf + Metal / Steel / Wall
Fox + Metal / Steel / Wall
Lion + Metal / Steel / Wall
Hamster + Container / House / Wall
CakeCandle + Dough / Donut
Bread + Sugar
CamelDesert + Horse / Animal / Livestock / Cow / Saddle / Horseshoe
Sand + Livestock / Cow / Horse
Dune + Livestock / Cow / Horse / Animal
CampfireFire + Wood 
CandleWax + Thread / Fire / Light / Flashlight / Lamp
Candy CaneSugar + Christmas tree / Christmas stocking / Santa / Reindeer
CannonGun + Pirate ship / Castle
Gunpowder + Pirate ship / Castle
CanvasFabric + Paint
CarWheel + Metal / Steel / Bicycle / Motorcycle 
Bicycle + Bicycle
Motorcycle + Motorcycle / Machine 
Combustion engine + Wagon / Cart
CaramelSugar + Heat
Carbon DioxideOxygen + Animal / Bird / Fish / Human
CarrotVegetable + Snowman / Grass / Garden
Snowman + Sun
CartWood + Wheel
CashmereMountain goat + Thread / Fabric / Tool / Scissors / Wool
CastleKnight + Stone / Wall / House / Container 
Warrior + Stone / Wall / House
Vampire + House
Monarch +  Wall / House / Container
CatAnimal + Milk / Coconut milk / Night
CatnipCat + Plant / Grass / Flower 
CauldronWitch + Metal / Steel / Fireplace / Campfire
Pottery + Metal / Steel
CaveHouse + Wolf / Fox / Bat / Lion
Container + Wolf / Fox / Bat / Lion
CaviarRoe + Salt / Cook
CentaurHorse + Human / Story
CerealWheat + Milk / Coconut milk / Chocolate milk
ChainRope + Metal / Steel
Wire + Metal / Steel
ChainsawAxe + Machine / Electricity / Motion
Lumberjack + Machine / Electricity / Motion
ChameleonLizard + Rainbow / Double rainbow!
Snake + Rainbow / Double rainbow!
Turtle + Rainbow / Double rainbow!
CharcoalFire + Wood / Tree / Corpse / Organic matter
CheeseMilk + Tool / Time / Cook / Bacteria
CheeseburgerCheese + Hamburger / Sandwich
ChickenBird + Domestication / Livestock / Farmer / Farm / Barn
Egg + Domestication / Livestock / Farmer / Farm / Barn
Chicken CoopChicken + House / Wall / Barn / Container 
Chicken SoupChicken + Water / Liquid
Chicken wing + Water / Liquid
Chicken wingChicken + Bone / BBQ
ChillCold + Human / Air
Human + Ice
ChimneySmoke + House / Brick / Stone / Fireplace 
Fireplace + Stone / Brick / House
ChocolateSugar + Milk / Oil / Coconut milk / Seed
Chocolate MilkChocolate + Milk / Coconut milk
Christmas StockingWool + Fireplace / Christmas tree / Santa / Reindeer
Christmas TreeTree + Light bulb / Star / Candle / Light / Gift
CigaretteTobacco + Paper
CircusTent + Big / Animal
CityVillage + Village / Skyscraper / Big
Skyscraper + Skyscraper / Container / Bank / Post office
Bank + Container / Post office
ClayMud + Sand / Stone
Mineral + Sand / Stone / Rock
Liquid + Stone / Rock
ClockTime + Electricity / Wheel / Tool / Machine
Sundial + Electricity / Wheel / Tool / Machine
Cuckoo + Container 
Watch + Big
ClosetContainer + Broom / Toolbox / Umbrella / Robot vacuum / Vacuum cleaner
CloudAtmosphere + Mist / Water
Sky + Mist / Water
CoalPeat + Pressure / Rock / Earth / Time / Stone
Pressure + Organic matter
CoconutPalm + Fruit / Vegetable / Nuts / Meat
Beach + Fruit / Vegetable
Coconut MilkCoconut + Milk / Tool / Hammer / Sword / Blade / Axe
CoffinCorpse + Wood / Container
Vampire + Container
ColdHuman + Rain / Mountain / Mountain range / Snow / Storm / Wind 
Space + Thermometer
Combustion EnginePetroleum + Machine / Wheel / Steam engine
Explosion + Machine / Steam engine
ComputerPhilosophy + Safe / Pottery / House / Box / Bucket / Bottle
Computer MouseComputer + Mouse / Animal 
ConfettiPaper + Scissors / Blade
ConstellationStar + Star
ContainerPhilosohphy + Safe / Pottery / House / Box / Bucket / Bottle
ContinentLand + Land / Big / Earth
Mountain range + Mountain range
CookHuman + Fruit / Campfire / Vegetable / Nuts
CookbookRecipe + Recipe 
Book + Cook
CookieCookie dough + Heat / Fire / Baker / Cookie cutter
Dough + Cookie cutter
Cookie CutterBlade + Dough / Cookie dough
Cookie DoughDough + Sugar / Chocolate / Cookie
CoralSea + Tree / Fossil / Bone
Ocean + Tree / Fossil / Bone
CorpseHuman + Bullet / Death / Time / Arrow / Blade / Grim reaper / Explosion
CottonPlant + Cloud / Fabric / Thread / Wool / Sheep
Cotton CandySugar + Thread / Air / Cloud
CowLivestock + Barn / Field / Grass / Farmer 
CrayonRainbow + Pencil / Wax
Double rainbow! + Pencil / Wax
Paint + Pencil / Wax
CrowScarecrow + Bird / Pigeon / Owl / Hummingbird
Field + Bird / Pigeon / Owl / Hummingbird
Crystal BallGlass + Witch / Wizard / Magic
Snow globe + Witch / Wizard / Magic
CuckooBird + Clock / Alarm clock
Owl + Clock / Alarm clock
Hummingbird + Clock / Alarm clock
CupContainer + Smoothie / Tea / Milk shake
Bottle + Smoothie / Tea / Milk shake
CurrentOcean + Motion / Cold / Heat / Science
Sea + Motion / Cold / Heat / Science
Cutting BoardWood + Cook
CyborgRobot + Human / Lumberjack / Doctor / Electrician / Astronaut / Firefighter / Pilot / Farmer / Baker / Cook / Sailor / Engineer
CyclistHuman + Bicycle / Wheel
DamBeaver + River / Tree / House / Water / Stream / Lake
Wall + River / Water / Stream
DarknessSky + Night / Twilight
DawnNight + Day / Time
DaySun + Sky / Night / Time 
Time + Dawn
DeathPhilosophy + Corpse / Graveyard / Skeleton / Grave
Time + Life
DesertSand + Sand / Land / Cactus / Lizard / Vulture
DewGrass + Fog / Water / Dawn
Plant + Fog / Dawn
Tree + Fog / Dawn
Dawn + Water / Fog
DiamondPressure + Coal
DinosaurLizard + Time / Big
DiverScuba tank + Human / Swimmer / Sea / Ocean / Lake
DoctorHuman + Stethoscope / Hospital
DogWolf + Domestication / Farmer / Farm / Barn / Field / Bone / Campfire 
DogeDog + Internet / Computer
DoghouseDog + House / Wall / Container 
Husky + House / Wall / Container 
DomesticationAnimal + Human / Farmer / Science 
Farmer + Science
Don QuixoteWindmill + Knight / Story / Legend / Hero
DonutDough + Oil / Wheel 
Cookie dough + Oil / Wheel 
Double Rainbow!Rainbow + Rainbow
DoughFlour + Water / Puddle / Rain
DragonLizard + Fire / Air / Sky / Airplane / Story / Legend 
DroneRobot + Airplane / Helicopter / Paper airplane / Seaplane
DrumWood + Leather / Fabric / Music
DrunkHuman + Alcohol / Wine / Beer
Dry IceCarbon dioxide + Ice / Cold 
DuckBird + Water / Pond / Lake
Duckling + Time / Big 
Owl + Water / Pond / Lake
Pigeon + Water / Pond / Lake
Chicken + Water / Pond / Lake
DucklingEgg + Duck
DuneWind + Desert / Sand / Beach 
Desert + Sand / Sandstorm
DustAir + Earth / Soil / Land
DynamiteGunpowder + Wire / Pipe / Container
EagleBird + Mountain / Mountain range
EarthAvailable from the beginning. 
EarthquakeMotion + Earth / Continent
EclipseMoon + Sun
EggLife + Container
Bird + Bird
Turtle + Turtle
Vulture + Vulture
Lizard + Lizard
Phoenix + Phoenix
Dragon + Dragon
Chicken + Chicken
Penguin + Penguin
Owl + Owl
Duck + Duck
Dinosaur + Dinosaur
Eagle + Eagle
Seagull + Seagull
Spider + Spider 
Scorpion + Scorpion
Pigeon + Pigeon
Fish + Fish
Piranha + Piranha 
Parrot + Parrot
Peacock + Peacock
Hummingbird + Hummingbird
Ostrich + Ostrich
Chameleon + Chameleon 
Woodpecker + Woodpecker 
Bee + Bee
Crow + Crow
Frog + Frog
Ant + Ant
Pterodactyl + Pterodactyl 
Tyrannosaurus rex + Tyrannosaurus rex
Moth + Moth
Butterfly + Butterfly
Snake + Snake
Flying fish + Flying fish
Egg TimerEgg + Clock / Alarm clock / Watch
Electric CarCar + Electricity / Wind turbine / Solar cell
Wagon + Electricity / Wind turbine / Solar cell
Electric EelFish + Electricity
ElectricianHuman + Electricity / Wire
ElectricityWind turbine + Wind / Motion / Storm / Sandstorm
Solar cell + Sun / Light / Star
Lightning + Metal / Steel
Storm + Science
EmailLetter + Computer / Computer mouse / Internet / Electricity
EnergyFire + Fire / Science / Atmosphere
Heat + Science
EngineerHuman + Machine / Steam engine
EruptionPressure + Volcano / Lava 
Volcano + Time
ExcaliburSword + Stone / Story / Legend / Monarch / Lake / Fairy tale
ExcavatorShovel + Car / Big
ExplosionPetroleum + Pressure / Explosion / Heat / Lava / Volcano / Fire
Gunpowder + Fire / Electricity / Lightning
FabricThread + Machine / Tool Wheel 
FactoryHouse + Chimney / Tool
Fairy TaleStory + Monarch / Castle / Knight / Dragon / Unicorn
FamilyHuman + Human / House
Love + Container
Family treeTree + Family / Village
Time + Family
FarmFarmer + House / Barn / Container
House + Tractor / Barn
FarmerHuman + Plant / Grass / Pitchfork / Field / Bard / Orchard / Plow
FaunGoat + Human / Legend / Wizard / Magic
Mountain goat + Human / Legend / Wizard / Magic
FenceWood + Wall / Field / Garden
Wall + Field / Grass / Garden
FieldFarmer + Earth / Soil / Land
Tool + Earth / Soil / Land
Plow + Earth / Soil / Land
FireAvailable from the beginning.
Fire + Alcohol / Coal
Fire ExtinguisherCarbon dioxide + Fire / Pressure / Metal / Steel / Boiler
FirefighterHuman + Fire / Firetruck / Fire extinguisher 
FireplaceCampfire + House / Brick / Wall / Container
Wood + Container
FirestationHouse + Firefighter / Firetruck
Firefighter + Land / Village / City
FiretruckFirefighter + Car / Wagon
Fire + Car / Wagon
Fire extinguisher + Car / Wagon
FirewallFire + Wall
FireworksExplosion + Sky / Atmosphere
FishAnimal + Water / Sea / Ocean / Lake
Egg +  Water / Sea / Ocean / Lake
Fishing RodFish + Tool / Wood / Thread / Wire
Swordfish + Tool / Wood / Thread / Wire
Piranha + Tool / Wood / Thread / Wire
FlamethrowerGun + Fire / Campfire / Volcano 
FlashlightTool + Light / Light bulb / Lamp 
Human + Lamp 
FloodRain + Rain / River / Lake / Big / Time 
House + River / Tsunami
City + River / Tsunami
FlourWheat + Wheat / Stone / Windmill / Wheel / Rock
FlowerPlant + Garden / Rainbow / Double rainbow!
Grass + Garden / Seed / Rainbow / Double rainbow!
Garden + Seed
FluteWood + Wind / Air
Flying FishFish + Bird / Sky / Air
Flying SquirrelSquirrel + Bird / Hummingbird / Seagull / Pigeon / Air / Airplane / Seaplane / Helicopter
FogCloud + Earth / Hill / Mountain / City / Field / Forest
Force KnightLight Sword + Human / Warrior / Knight
ForestTree + Tree / Plant / Land / Earth / Container
ForkPitchfork + Small
Fortune CookiePaper + Cookie / Cookie dough / Gingerbread man
FossilDinosaur + Earth / Stone / Time / Rock
Bone + Earth / Stone / Time / Rock
Skeleton + Earth / Stone / Time / Rock
Grave + Time
Corpse + Stone / Rock
FountainStatue + Water / Stream
FoxChicken + Animal / Wolf / Dog 
Chicken coop + Wolf + Animal / Dog 
Frankenstein’s MonsterCorpse + Legend / Lightning / Electricity / Story
Zombie + Electricity / Lightning
Monster + Story / Corpse
French FriesOil + Vegetable / Potato
Fire + Potato
FridgeCold + Metal / Steel / Machine / Electricity / Container
Ice + Metal / Steel / Container
Ice cream + Container
FrogAnimal + Pond / Puddle 
Egg  + Pond / Puddle 
Frozen YogurtYogurt + Cold / Ice
FruitFlower + Time / Rain / Water / Tree
Tree + Farmer 
Farmer + Orchard
Fruit TreeFruit + Tree / Plant / Wood
GalaxyStar + Star / Solar system / Space / Container 
Solar system + Solar system / Space / Container
Space + Space
Supernova + Container
Galaxy ClusterGalaxy + Galaxy / Container
GarageCar + House / Container / Wall / Barn
Ambulance + House / Container / Wall / Barn
Motorcycle + House / Container / Wall / Barn
Sleigh + House / Container / Wall / Barn
Bus + House / Container / Wall / Barn
Electronic car + House / Container / Wall / Barn
Snowmobile + House / Container / Wall / Barn
Tractor + House / Container / Wall / Barn
RV + House / Container / Wall / Barn
Ice cream truck + House / Container / Wall / Barn
GardenPlant + Grass / House / Lawn
Flower + Flower / Grass / Plant / House / Lawn / Container
GardenerGarden + Human / Farmer
GasAir + Idea / Science / Energy + Liquid
GeyserSteam + Earth / Hill / Mountain / Pressure
GhostGraveyard + Night / Story / Legend 
Grave + Night / Story / Legend 
Gravestone + Night / Story / Legend 
Night + Story / Castle / Legend
GiftSanta + Christmas tree / Christmas stocking / Chimney / Fireplace / Cookie / Milk / Wrapping paper
Wrapping paper + Christmas tree / Christmas stocking / Fireplace 
Gingerbread HouseHouse + Gingerbread man / Dough / Cookie dough / Cookie / Donut / Cake
Gingerbread ManDough + Life / Magic / Story
Cookie + Life / Magic / Story
Cookie dough + Life / Magic / Story
GlacierIce + Mountain / Mountain range / Time
Snow + Mountain / Mountain range
GlassSand + Fire / Heat / Lightning / Electricity 
GlassesGlass + Glass / Metal / Steel / Human 
Lens + Lens / Human
GnomeGarden + Statue / Story / Fairy tale / Legend
GoatLivestock + Mountain / Mountain range / Hill
Cow + Mountain / Mountain range / Hill
GoldMetal + Sun / Rainbow / Butter / Sand / Light / Alchemist 
Steel + Sun / Rainbow / Butter / Sand / Light / Alchemist 
GolemClay + Story / Legend 
Statue + Life / Legend / Story
GranitePressure + Lava / Stone / Rock
GrassPlant + Earth / Land
GraveCoffin + Earth / Field / Forest / Gravestone / Container
Corpse + Earth / Field / Forest 
Gravestone + Grave
GravestoneGrave + Stone / Rock
Death + Stone / Rock
Graveyard + Stone / Rock
GraveyardGrave + Grave / Field / Land 
Gravestone + Gravestone / Field / Land / Container
GreenhouseGlass + Plant / Grass / Tree / Garden
Aquarium + Plant / Tree / Grass
Plant + Container
GrenadeExplosion + Metal / Steel / Warrior
Grilled CheeseCheese + Toast
Grim ReaperScythe + Human / Corpse / Zombie / Death / Boat / River 
GunBullet + Metal / Steel / Bow / Container 
Bow + Metal / Steel / Gunpowder
GunpowderEnergy + Mineral / Charcoal / Dust 
Fire + Dust
Mineral + Charcoal 
GustSmall + Air / Wind
HackerHuman + Computer / Computer mouse / Glasses / Internet
HailIce + Rain / Cloud / Storm / Wind / Steam / Sky
HamSmoke + Meat / Pig
HamburgerMeat + Bread / Cheese
HammerTool + Metal / Steel / Stone / Rock / Woodpecker
HamsterMouse + Wheel / Domestication
Rat + Wheel / Domestication
HangarAirplane + Container / House / Wall / Barn
Seaplane + Container / House / Wall / Barn
Helicopter + Container / House / Wall / Barn
Rocket + Container / House / Wall / Barn
Spaceship + Container / House / Wall / Barn
HarpAngel + Music / Musician / Wire
Wire + Music
HayGrass + Grass / Scythe / Farmer / Sun / Barn / Farm / Pitchfork
Pitchfork + Barn / Farm / Farmer
Hay BaleHay + Hay / Tractor / Barn / Machine
HeatFire + Idea / Science
Lava + Philosophy
Air + Energy
HedgeFence + Plant / Leaf / Garden 
Wall + Plant / Leaf / Garden
HedgehogNeedle + Animal / Mouse / Rat
HelicopterAirplane + Blade / Windmill / Wind turbine
Seaplane + Blade / Windmill / Wind turbine 
HeroHuman + Legend / Story / Lightning
Knight + Dragon
HillBoulder + Boulder / Big / Earth / Stone Mountain + Small
HippoWater + Horse / Cow
River + Horse / Cow
HoneyBee + Bee / Beehive / Flower / Time 
Beehive + Beekeeper
HorizonSky + Continent / Sea / Lake / Land / Ocean / Earth
HorseAnimal + Field / Saddle / Horseshoe / Land
Livestock + Hay / Barn / Saddle / Horseshoe
HorseshoeHorse + Metal / Steel
HospitalHouse + Sickness / Ambulance / Doctor 
Wall + Sickness / Ambulance / Doctor
Doctor + Container 
Hot ChocolateHeat + Chocolate / Chocolate milk
HourglassTime + Sand / Glass / Container 
Sand + Glass / Container / Time
HouseWall + Wall / Human / Tool 
Container + Fireplace / Family
HumanTime + Animal / Monkey
Tool + Animal / Monkey
Clay + Life
HummingbirdBird + Flower / Garden / Small / Bee / Butterfly 
Flower + Owl / Pigeon / Seagull
Garden + Owl / Pigeon / Seagull
HurricaneTornado + Ocean / Sea
Storm  + Ocean / Sea
HuskyDog + Snow / Ice / Antarctica / Arctic / Blizzard / Glacier
IceWater + Cold / Solid
Puddle + Cold / Solid
Ice CreamMilk + Cold / Ice / Snow
Ice Cream TruckIce cream + Car / Wagon / Bus
Ice SculptureIce + Statue
IcebergSea + Ice / Arctic / Antarctica 
Ocean + Ice / Arctic / Antarctica 
Iced TeaTea + Ice / Cold
IdeaLight bulb + Human / Electrician / Science 
Science + Science / Philosophy 
Philosophy + Philosophy
Engineer + Engineer
Hacker + Hacker
Lumberjack + Lumberjack
Farmer + Farmer
Firefighter + Firefighter
Astronaut + Astronaut
Electrician + Electrician
Warrior + Warrior 
Butcher + Butcher
Doctor + Doctor 
Pilot + Pilot
Baker + Baker 
Sailor + Sailor
Surfer + Surfer
Swimmer + Swimmer
Cyclist + Cyclist
Knight + Knight
Angler + Angler
Monarch + Monarch
Mailman + Mailman
Gardener + Gardener
Diver + Diver
Skier + Skier
Alchemist + Alchemist
Librarian + Librarian
IglooHouse + Ice / Snow / Cold / Snowman
InternetComputer + Computer / Wire / Web / Net
IslandVolcano + Ocean / Sea
IvyWall + Grass / Plant
Jack-O-LanternPumpkin + Fire / Candle / Light / Night / Ghost / Skeleton
Vegetable + Night / Ghost / Skeleton
JamJuice + Sugar / Fruit / Machine
Fruit + Machine / Heat
JarJam + Container / Bottle / Glass / Bucket
JerkyMeat + Sun / Heat
Steak + Sun / Heat
JuiceFruit + Pressure / Earth / Stone / Rock / Explosion / Water 
Vegetable + Pressure / Earth / Stone / Rock / Explosion / Water 
JupiterPlanet + Cloud / Storm / Big / Gas 
Saturn + Big
KaijuDinosaur + City / Skyscraper / Legend / Story
KatanaBlade + Heat / Shuriken / Ninja 
Sword + Shuriken / Ninja
KitePaper + Wind / Sky / Air
KnifeCook + Blade / Sword
KnightWarrior + Armor / Hero / Horse
Human + Armor
LakePond + Pond / Big / Water
Sea + Small
LampLight bulb + Metal / Steel
LandEarth + Earth / Stone
Soil + Soil / Big
Continent + Small
LaptopComputer + Small
LassoRope + Cow / Horse / Pig / Sheep / Wild boar / Goat
LavaEarth + Fire / Heat / Liquid
Lava LampLamp + Fire / Lava / Volcano
LawnGrass + Container / House / Lawn mower 
Field + Lawn mower 
Lawn MowerScythe + Electricity / Helicopter / Windmill / Tool / Machine / Motion
Grass + Tool / Machine Helicopter / Field
LeafWind + Tree / Flower / Forest / Orchard
LeatherBlade + Cow / Pig / Sheep
Sword + Cow / Pig / Sheep
Tool + Cow / Pig / Sheep
LegendStory + Story / Time / Big / Fairy tale
Fairy tale + Big / Time
LensGlass + Tool / Engineer
LetterPaper + Pencil
LibrarianHuman + Library / Book
LibraryBook + Container / House
LifePrimordial soup + Electricity / Time / Storm / Volcano / Lightning / Energy
Electricity + Sea / Ocean / Lake
Lightning + Sea / Ocean / Lake
LightElectricity + Light bulb / Flashlight
Light BulbGlass + Electricity / Light 
Light + Container
Light SwordSword + Light / Energy / Force knight / Electricity / Space 
LighthouseLight + House / Ocean / Sea / Beach
Spotlight + House / Ocean / Sea / Beach
LightningElectricity + Storm / Cloud / Rain
Energy +  Storm / Cloud / Rain
LionCat + Animal / Blood / Big / Monarch
LiquidWater + Idea / Science
Energy + Solid
Little AlchemySmall + Alchemist
LivestockAnimal + Field / Farmer / Barn / Domestication 
LizardAnimal + Stone / Rock / Swamp / Heat
Egg + Stone / Rock / Swamp
Dinosaur + SmallBlood + Cold
Log cabinWood + House
LoveHuman + Human
LumberjackHuman + Axe / Chainsaw / Wood / Tree 
Mac and CheeseCheese + Pasta
MachineTool + Tool / Wheel / Chain / Engineer
Boiler + Chain / Tool / Wheel
MagicLife + Rainbow / Double rainbow! 
Energy + Wizard / Witch
MagmaScience + Lava / Volcano
MailboxLetter + Box / Metal / Steel / Wood
Mailman + Box / Metal / Steel / Wood
MailmanHuman + Letter / Newspaper 
Letter + Mailbox
Mail truckCar + Mailman / Post office / Letter
ManateeCow + Sea / Ocean / Fish / Lake / River
MapPaper + Land / Hill / Mountain / Mountain range / Continent / Ocean / Sea / Lake /River / City Village 
Maple SyrupSap + Heat / Sugar
MarsPlanet + Rust / Desert
MarshmallowsCampfire + Sugar
MayonnaiseEgg + Oil
MeatTool + Livestock / Chicken / Pig / Cow / Animal / Fish / Swordfish / Flying fish / Shark / Frog
Axe + Livestock / Chicken / Pig / Cow / Animal / Fish / Swordfish / Flying fish / Shark / Frog
Sword + Livestock / Chicken / Pig / Cow / Animal / Shark 
Butcher + Livestock / Chicken / Pig / Cow / Animal / Fish / Swordfish / Flying fish / Shark / Frog
Net + Fish / Swordfish / Shark / Piranha / Flying fish
MedusaSnake + Legend / Human / Story / Hero
MercuryPlanet + Heat / Small
MermaidFish + Human / Magic / Legend / Swimmer 
Swimmer + Magic
MetalOre + Fire / Heat / Tool
Stone + Heat / Fire
MeteorMeteoroid + Atmosphere / Sky / Air / Night / Day
MeteoroidSpace + Stone / Rock / Boulder
Solar system + Stone / Rock / Boulder
Sun + Stone / Rock / Boulder
MicroscopeBacteria + Glass / Glasses / Safety glasses / Lens
Lens + Tool
MilkCow + Farmer / Tool / Water / Liquid
Goat + Farmer / Tool / Water / Liquid
Milk ShakeIce cream + Milk / Yogurt / Water
MineralOrganic matter + Stone / Rock / Earth / Boulder / Hill / Mountain
MinotaurCow + Human / Werewolf / Story / Legend
MirrorGlass + Metal / Steel / Wood
MistAir + Water / Steam / Rain
MoldTime + Bread / Fruit / Vegetable
Bacteria + Bread / Fruit / Vegetable
MonarchHuman + Castle / Excalibur
MoneyPaper + Gold / Diamond / Bank
MonkeyTree + Animal
MoonSky + Cheese / Planet / Stone /
Time Night + Cheese / Planet / Stone / Earth
Stone + Planet
Moon RoverMoon + Car / Electric car
MossStone + Plant / Grass / Algae
Rock + Plant / Grass / Algae
Boulder + Plant / Grass / Algae
MothButterfly + Moon / Night / Candle / Light / Lamp / Flashlight
MotionPhilosohopy + Wind / Tornado / Stream / River
Science + Wind / Tornado / Stream / River
Wind + Idea
MotorcycleBicycle + Machine / Steel / Metal / Steam engine / Combustion engine
MountainHill + Hill / Big / Earth / Earthquake
Earth + Big / Hill
Mountain GoatGoat + Mountain / Mountain range
Mountain RangeMountain + Mountain / Continent
MouseCheese + Animal / Barn / House / Farm / Wall
MousetrapCheese + Wood / Metal / Steel 
Mouse + Blade
MudWater + Earth / Soil
MummyPyramid + Corpse / Fabric / Human 
Corpse + Fabric
MusicMusician + Flute / Sheet music / Drum / Pan flute
MusicianHuman + Flute / Music / Sheet music / Drum / Pan flute
NarwhalUnicorn + Fish / Sea / Ocean / Water / Shark / Swordfish / Flying fish
NeedleThread + Metal / Steel / Tool
NessieLake + Legend / Story
Dinosaur + Legend / Story
NestBird + Tree / Hay / Grass / House
Egg + Hay / Container / Tree / Grass
NetRope + Angler / Fish / Fishing rod / Swordfish / Flying fish
NewspaperPaper + Paper / Story
Letter + Letter
NightTime + Moon / Day / Twilight 
Sky + Moon
NinjaHuman + Shuriken
Ninja TurtleTurtle + Ninja / Katana / Shuriken
NutsTree + Farmer / Domestication / Field
OasisDesert + Water / Puddle / Pond / River / Lake / Stream / Tree / Palm
ObsidianLava + Water / Cold / Glass
OceanSea + Sea / Water / Big 
Tide + Container
OilSunflower / Pressure / Stone / Wheel / Windmill
OmeletteEgg + Fire / Heat / Tool
Optical FiberLight + Wire / Rope / Internet
OrchardFruit tree + Fruit tree / Field / Tree / Farmer / Farm / Forest / Container
OreHammer + Boulder / Earth / Rock / Stone / Mountain / Hill
Organic MatterDeath + Life / Bacteria
Science + Life / Corpse
OrigamiPaper + Bird / Eagle / Own / Animal / Seagull / Pigeon / Cow / Dog / Lion / Horse / Cat / Hummingbird / Chicken / Penguin / Duck / Vulture
OstrichBird + Earth / Sand / Big
OwlBird + Night / Wizard / Moon / Twilight 
OxygenSun + Plant / Tree / Grass / Algae
Carbon dioxide + Plant / Tree / Grass / Algae
OzoneOxygen + Oxygen
Electricity + Oxygen / Atmosphere / Air 
PaintRainbow + Water / Pottery / Tool / Liquid
Double rainbow! + Water / Pottery / Tool / Liquid
Pencil + Water / Liquid
PainterHuman + Paint / Canvas / Painting
PaintingCanvas + Painter / Paint
PaleontologistHuman + Dinosaur / Fossil 
Science + Dinosaur / Fossil 
PalmTree + Beach / Sand / Island
Pan FluteFlute + Flute
PaperWood + Pressure / Water / Blender / Machine
Paper AirplaneAirplane + Paper
Paper CupPaper + Cup
ParachuteUmbrella + Sky / Pilot / Airplane / Atmosphere
Fabric + Airplane / Pilot
ParagliderKite + Big
ParkCity + Forest / Garden / Grass / Field
Village + Forest / Garden / Grass / Field
ParrotBird + Pirate / Pirate Ship
Pigeon + Pirate / Pirate Ship
PastaEgg + Flour
PeacockBird + Leaf / Double rainbow! / Rainbow
Peanut ButterNutts + Butter / Pressure
PeatSwamp + Plant / Time / Pressure 
Time + Grass
PebbleSmall + Earth / Stone / Rock
PegasusHorse + Bird / Sky
Unicorn + Bird / Sky
PencilWood + Charcoal / Coal 
Pencil SharpenerPencil + Blade / Sword / Blender
PenguinBird + Antarctica / Cold / Ice / Snow 
Animal + Antarctica
PenicillinMold + Doctor / Science / Idea / Hospital
PerfumeFlower + Water / Steam / Alcohol
Rose + Water / Steam / Alcohol
Sunflower + Water / Steam / Alcohol
PetroleumFossil + Pressure / Time / Water / Liquid 
PhilosophyHuman + Idea / Story
Egg + Chicken
PhoenixFire + Bird / Life / Death / Egg
PicnicSandwich + Beach / Grass / Fabric / Lawn / Garden
PieFruit + Dough / Cookie dough / Baker / Bakery 
Dough + Meat
PigMud + Livestock / Animal / Cow
PigeonBird + Letter / City / Statue / Skyscraper / Village
Piggy BankPig + Money / Pottery / Gold
PilotHuman + Airplane / Seaplane
PinocchioWood + Life / Story
Golem + Story
PipeTobacco + Wood / Tool
PiranhaFish + Blood / Wolf
PirateSailor + Pirate Ship / Sword / Bayonet / Gun
Pirate ShipPirate + Sailboat / Boat / Steam engine / Container / House
PitchforkHay + Steel / Metal / Tool 
PizzaCheese + Dough / Bread / Wheel
PlanetContinent + Continent / Ocean 
Earth + Space / Solar system / Sky
PlanktonLife + Water / Sea / Ocean
Bacteria + Water / Sea / Ocean
PlantSeed + Water / Soil / Land / Earth
Algae +  Land / Earth
Soil + Life
RainTree + Small
PlasmaScience + Star / Sun
Heat + Heat / Pressure
PlatypusBeaver + Duck / Bird / Seagull
PlowEarth + Metal / Steel / Wood
Field + Metal / Steel / Wood / Tool
Polar BearAnimal + Ice / Arctic
PollenPlant + Dust / Wind
Flower + Dust / Wind
PondPuddle + Puddle / Water / Big
Lake + Small
PopsicleJuice + Ice / Cold / Snow / Wood
Post OfficeMailman + House / Wall / Container / Letter
Letter + Letter / House / Wall
PotatoEarth + Vegetable
PotterHuman + Pottery / Clay
PotteryClay + Wheel / Tool
PressureAir + Air / Atmosphere
Atmosphere + Atmosphere 
Ocean + Ocean
Geyser + Science
Primordial SoupSea + Lava / Planet / Earth
Ocean + Lava / Planet / Earth
PrinterComputer + Paper / Newspaper
PrismGlass + Rainbow / Double rainbow!
Crystal ball + Rainbow / Double rainbow!
PterodactylDinosaur + Air / Sky / Bird / Eagle / Airplane / Vulture
PuddleWater + Water Pond + Small
PumpkinVegetable + Field / Farmer / Jack-o’-lantern
Plant + Jack-o’-lantern
PyramidDesert + Stone / Grave / Graveyard / Gravestone / Mountain / Hill
Mummy + Container
QuicksandSand + Swamp
QuicksilverMetal + Liquid
RabbitAnimal + Carrot 
Rabbit + Rabbit
RainCloud + Heat / Pressure / Water
RainbowLight + Water / Cloud / Prism / Rain
Sun + Water / Prism / Rain
RainforestRain + Forest
RatMouse + Pirate ship / Sailboat / City / Skyscraper / Village / Big
Animal + Pirate ship / Sailboat
RecipePaper + Flour / Meat / Baker / Bakery / Vegetable / Fruit / Cook
Newspaper + Flour / Meat / Baker / Bakery / Vegetable / Fruit / Cook
ReedPlant + Pond / Puddle / Swamp / River
Grass + Pond / Puddle / Swamp / River
ReindeerAnimal + Santa / Christmas tree / Christmas stocking
Livestock + Santa / Christmas tree
RestaurantCook + House
RingDiamond + Metal / Steel / Gold / Love
Love + Steel / Metal / Gold
RiverRain + Mountain / Hill
Water + Mountain 
Stream + BigLake + Motion
RivuletPuddle + Motion 
Stream + Small
RobotLife + Metal / Steel / Armor
Golem + Metal / Steel / Armor
Robot VacuumRobot + Vacuum cleaner / Broom
Computer + Vacuum cleaner / Broom
RockPebble + Pebble / Big
Boulder + Small
RocketAtmosphere + Metal / Steel / Airplane / Train / Machine / Car / Boat / Steamboat / Pirate ship
RoeEgg + Fish / Water / Ocean / Sea / Lake / Flying fish
Roller CoasterPark + Train / Car / Cart / Wagon
RopeTool + Boat / Sailboat / Pirate ship / Wire
Thread + Thread / Wire
RoseLove + Plant / Flower
Blade + Plant / Flower
RuinsTime + Castle / House / Village / City / Skyscraper / Hospital / Farm
RulerWood + Pencil
RustAir + Metal / Steel
Oxygen + Metal / Steel
RVHouse + Car / Bus
SackContainer + Flour / Salt / Letter 
SaddleHorse + Leather / Tool / Fabric
SafeGold + Container / Metal / Steel
Money + Metal / Steel
Container + Gun
Safety GlassesGlasses + Tool / Explosion / Engineer / Bulletproof vest / Armor
SailboatWind + Boat / Steamboat
Fabric + Boat / Steamboat
SailorHuman + Boat / Sailboat / Steamboat / Ocean / Sea / Lake
SaltSea + Sun / Fire / Mineral
Ocean + Sun / Fire / Mineral
SamuraiHuman + Katana
SandAir + Stone / Rock / Pebble
Wind + Stone / Rock / Pebble
Pebble + Small
Sand CastleCastle + Sand / Dune / Desert / Beach
SandpaperSand + Paper / Fabric
SandstoneSand + Stone / Rock / Earth 
SandstormSand + Storm / Tornado / Motion
Desert + Storm / Tornado / Motion / Wind
SandwichBread + Meat / Bacon / Ham / Cheese / Vegetable
SantaChristmas tree + Human / Legend / Story
Christmas stocking  + Human / Legend / Story
SapTree + Blade
SaturnRing + Planet 
Small + Jupiter
ScalpelBlade + Doctor / Ambulance / Hospital 
Sword + Doctor / Ambulance / Hospital 
ScarecrowHay + Human / Statue / Golem / Sack
Statue + Farm / Barn 
Sack + Pumpkin / Jack-o’-lantern
ScienceHuman + Telescope / Microscope / Universe
ScissorsBlade + Blade / Paper / Sword
Sword + Sword / Paper
ScorpionSpider + Sand / Dune / Desert 
Animal + Sand / Dune
Scuba TankContainer + Air / Atmosphere / Oxygen
ScytheBlade + Grass / Wheat
Sword + Grass / Wheat
Axe + Grass / Wheat
SeaLake + Lake / Water / Big
Ocean + Small 
SeagullBird + Sea / Ocean / Beach
Pigeon + Sea / Ocean / Beach
Rat + Sea / Ocean / Beach
SeahorseHorse + Water / Sea / Ocean / Lake / Fish
SealDog + Sea / Ocean / Arctic / Water / Lake
SeaplaneAirplane + Water / Sea / Ocean / Lake
SeasicknessSickness + Sea / Ocean / Lake / Boat / Sailboat / Steamboat
SeaweedPlant + Sea / Ocean / Lake
Grass + Sea / Ocean
SeedPollen + Plant / Bee
Time + Flower
Sewing MachineNeedle + Machine / Electricity / Robot
Thread + Machine / Electricity / Robot
SharkWolf + Sea / Ocean / Fish
Blood + Sea / Ocean / Fish
SheepLivestock + Wool / Hill / Land / Cloud / 
Domestication + Goat / Mountain goat
Sheet MusicMusic + Paper / Book
ShovelTool + Gardener
ShurikenStar + Blade / Sword / Metal / Steel
Ninja + Blade
SicknessHuman + Bacteria / Swamp / Sickness
SiloWheat + Container / House / Barn / Wall / Farm / Safe / Bank
SkateboardWheel + Snowboard / Skier / Ski goggles
SkeletonBone + Bone / Corpse
Time + Corpse
Ski GogglesGlasses + Snow / Cold / Glacier / Skier
Sunglasses + Snow / Cold / Glacier / Skier
SkierHuman + Ski goggles / Mountain / Mountain range
SkySun + Atmosphere / Moon
Cloud + Atmosphere / Air
SkyscraperHouse + Sky / Big / Cloud
Village + Sky
SleighCart + Snow / Ice / Arctic / Antarctica 
Wagon + Snow / Ice / Arctic / Antarctica 
SlothTime + Animal 
Tree + Manatee
SmallPhilosohpy + Bacteria / Carbon dioxide / Oxygen / Ozone / Pebble / Rivulet / Ant / Spider / Bee / Scorpion / Confetti / Seahorse
SmartphoneTablet + Small
SmogCity + Fog / Air / Smoke / Atmosphere
Smoke + Fog
SmokeFire + Plant / Tree / Air / Grass / Wood
Campfire + Storm / Time / Water
Earth + Gas
Smoke SignalSmoke + Fabric / Letter
Fabric + Campfire
SmoothieFruit + Blender / Ice / Cold
SnakeAnimal + Rope / Wire 
Electric eel + Land
SnowRain + Cold / Mountain / Mountain range
Steam + Cold
Snow GlobeCrystal ball + Ice / Cold / Snow / Snowman / Snowmobile / Snowball / Santa / Christmas tree / Christmas stocking / Blizzard
Glass + Ice / Cold / Snow / Snowman / Snowmobile / Snowball / Santa / Christmas tree / Christmas stocking / Blizzard
SnowballSnow + Human / Stone / Rock / Earth
SnowboardSurfer + Mountain / Snow / Mountain range / Ice
Wood + Snow / Ice
SnowboarderHuman + Snowboard
SnowmanSnow + Human / Carrot / Coal
Snowball + Snowball / Carrot / Coal
SnowmobileMotorcycle + Snow / Glacier / Ice
Car + Snow / Glacier / Ice
SoapOil + Ash / Wax / Clay 
Wax + Ash / Clay
SodaCarbon dioxide + Water / Juice / Tea 
SoilEarth + Life / Organic matter
Land + Life / Organic matter
Solar CellSun + Tool / Machine / Electricity / Energy
Tool + Light
Solar SystemContainer + Sun / Mercury / Jupiter / Mars / Venus / Saturn / Planet
Planet + Planet / Sun
SolidEarth + Idea / Science
SoundWave + Air / Human / Animal / Wolf
SpaceStar + Sky / Sun / Moon
Solar system + Night / Sky
Space StationAtmosphere + House / Wall / Village 
Space + House / Wall / Village 
SpaceshipSpace + Airplane / Metal / Steel / Pirate ship / Boat / Steamboat / Car / Container
SpaghettiPasta + Wine / Thread / Rope
SphinxStatue + Desert / Lion / Pyramid 
Lion + Stone
SpiderAnimal + Web / Net / Thread
SpoonShovel + Small
SpotlightLight + Machine / Metal / Steel
SprinklesSugar + Confetti / Rainbow / Double rainbow! / Paint
SquirrelMouse + Tree / Plant / Nuts
Animal + Nuts
StarNight + Sky / Telescope / Space
Space + Sun / Sky / Telescope
StarfishStar + Fish / Ocean / Sea
StatueHammer + Boulder / Stone
Medusa + Human / Hacker / Engineer / Pilot / Lumberjack / Sailor / Farmer / Firefighter / Surfer / Astronaut / Butcher / Doctor / Baker / Drunk / Mirror
SteakBBQ + Meat / Cow
Fire  + Meat / Cow
SteamWater + Heat / Fire / Lava / Gas
Steam EngineSteam + Machine / Wheel 
Boiler + Wheel
SteamboatSteam engine + Boat / Sailboat / Pirate ship / Ocean / Sea
SteelMetal + Coal / Charcoal / Mineral / Ash
Steel WoolWool + Steel / Metal / Wire
StethoscopeDoctor + Tool / Drum / Sound
Tool + Sound / Hospital
StoneEarth + Solid / Pressure
Air + Lava
StormCloud + Cloud / Electricity
Atmosphere + Electricity 
Rain + Wind
StoryHuman + Campfire / Hero
StreamPond + Motion
Rivulet + Big
River + Small
String PhoneThread + Paper cup / Cup
Wire + Paper cup / Cup
Stun GunGun + Electricity / Wire / Energy 
Bow + Electricity / Energy 
SugarEnergy + Fruit / Juice / Alcohol / Beer / Wine
Fire + Fruit / Juice / Alcohol / Beer / Wine
SunSky + Light / Fire / Day
Day + Light / Space
Planet + Light / Fire
SundialSun + Wheel / Clock / Tool / Watch
Light + Wheel / Clock / Tool / Watch
Day + Wheel / Tool
SunflowerSun + Plant / Flower
SunglassesGlasses + Sun / Day / Light / Beach / Sky
SupernovaExplosion + Star / Sun / Galaxy  / Space
SurferHuman + Wave / Beach
SushiSeaweed + Caviar / Fish
SwampReed + Lake / Mud / Pond
Algae + Lake / Pond
Mud + Tree / Grass
Tree + Lake
SweaterWool + Tool / Human
Swim GogglesGlasses + Water / Lake / Sea / Ocean / River
Sunglasses + Water / Lake / Sea / Ocean / River
SwimmerHuman + Water / Swim goggles / Pond / Swimming pool
Swimming PoolHouse + Lake / Swimmer
Aquarium + Big
SwordBlade + Metal / Steel / Wood
SwordfishFish + Sword / Blade
Shark + Sword / Blade
SyringeNeedle + Doctor / Tool
TabletLaptop + Small
TailorHuman + Sewing machine / Needle / Thread
TankCar + Armor / Gun / Metal / Steel
TeaLeaf + Water / Heat / Human
TelescopeGlass + Sky / Space / Planet / Mercury / Saturn / Galaxy / Universe / Star / Moon / Mars / Venus / Jupiter / Galaxy cluster / Supernova
TentFabric + Wood / House / Wall / Village
The One RingRing + Volcano / Magic
ThermometerQuicksilver + Glass / Tool / Engineer
ThreadCotton + Cotton / Tool / Wheel / Machine
TideOcean + Moon / Time
Sea + Moon / Time
TimeObtained after 100 items are unlocked. 
TitanicIceberg + Boat / Legend / Steamboat
Steamboat + Legend
ToastFire + Bread / Sandwich
TobaccoPlant + Fire / Smoke 
Grass + Smoke
ToolHuman + Metal / Steel / Wood / Stone / Rock
Wood + Metal / Steel / Stone / Rock
ToolboxContainer + Tool / Hammer / Ruler / Steel wool / Chain
Box + Tool / Hammer / Ruler / Steel wool / Chain
TornadoStorm + Storm / Wind / Motion
Wind + Wing / Big / Motion
ToucanPalm + Bird / Owl / Seagull / Pigeon
Bird + Rainbow / Double rainbow!
TractorCar + Farmer / Field / Cow
Wagon + Farmer / Field / Cow
TrainSteam engine + Metal / Steel / Wagon / Wheel
TrainyardTrain + Container / House / Wall / Garage
TreasureTreasure map + Pirate / Pirate ship / Island / Sailor
Treasure MapMap + Pirate / Pirate ship / Treasure / Island
TreePlant + Big / Wood /Time 
Nest + Container
TreehouseTree + House / Wood
Trojan HorseHorse + Wood / Machine / Statue
TsunamiSea + Earthquake / Explosion /Meteor
Ocean + Earthquake / Explosion /Meteor
TunnelEngineer + Mountain / Mountain range / Hill
Train + Mountain / Mountain range / Hill
Cave + Mountain / Mountain range / Hill
TurtleEgg + Sand / Beach
Animal + Beach
TwilightDay + Night / Time
Tyrannosaurus RexDinosaur + Meet / Blood / Monarch
UFOAlien + Rocket / Airplane / Spaceship / Space Station / Sky / Container
UmbrellaRain + Tool / Fabric
Storm + Fabric / Tool
UnicornHorse + Legend / Story / Magic / Rainbow / Double rainbow!
UniverseContainer + Space / Galaxy cluster
Galaxy cluster + Galaxy cluster
Vacuum CleanerBroom + Machine / Electricity 
VampireHuman + Blood / Vampire / Bat
VasePottery + Plant / Flower / Rose
Bottle + Plant / Flower / Rose
Container + Flower / Rose
VaultSafe + Big
VegetableFarmer + Field / Forest / Plant 
Plant + Field / Domestication
VenusPlanet + Acid Rain / Smog / Volcano
VillageHouse + House / Container / Bakery
Bakery + Container
Family + Family
VineRainforest + Rope / Wire / Thread
VinegarWine + Oxygen / Air / Time
VolcanoLava + Earth / Mountain / Hill / Container 
Mountain + Fire / Pressure
Hill + Fire / Pressure
VultureCorpse + Bird / Eagle / Hummingbird / Penguin / Pigeon / Owl / Chicken / Duck
Desert + Bird / Eagle / Hummingbird / Penguin / Pigeon / Owl / Chicken / Duck
WagonCart + Horse / House / Fabric / Wall / Cow
WallBrick + Brick 
Wood + Wood 
Stone + Stone
WandWizard + Wood / Sword / Tool / Pencil
WarmthHeat + Air / Human
WarriorHuman + Sword / Bow
WatchClock + Small / Human
WaterHeat + Ice
Heat + Snow 
Water GunGun + Water / Stream / Puddle
Water LilyFlower + Pond / Lake / Puddle / Stream
Water PipeWater + Pipe
WaterfallRiver + Mountain / Mountain range / Hill
Lake + Mountain / Mountain range / Hill
WaveOcean + Wind / Storm / Hurricane
Lake + Wind / Storm / Hurricane
Sea + Wind / Storm / Hurricane
WaxBeehive + Bee / Wall / Sword / Blade / Tool / Beekeeper 
WebSpider + Thread / Cotton / Fabric / Net
WerewolfHuman + Wolf / Werewolf
WheatGrass + Farmer / Domestication / Field
WheelMotion + Tool / Stone / Metal / Steel
Tool + Water / Stream / River
Wild BoarPig + Animal / Forest / Hill
WindAir + Motion / Pressure
Motion + Atmosphere
Wind TurbineWindmill + Electricity / Machine / Electrician
Wind + Electricity 
WindmillWind + House / Wheat / Wheel / Flour
Wheel + Wall
WindsurferWind + Surfer
WineAlcohol + Fruit / Juice
WireRope + Electricity / Metal / Steel
Electricity + Metal / Steel
WitchBroom + Wizard / Human / Story / Legend / Magic / Cauldron
Cauldron + Story / Legend
WizardHuman + Magic / Rainbow / Double rainbow! / Unicorn
WolfAnimal + Moon / Dog
Dog + Forest / Blood
WoodTree + Tool / Axe / Chainsaw / Sword / Lumberjack 
Forest + Tool / Axe / Chainsaw / Sword / Lumberjack
WoodpeckerBird + Wood / Tree / Forest
WoolSheep + Tool / Scissors / Blade
Wrapping PaperPaper + Gift / Christmas tree / Christmas stocking / Santa
WriterHuman + Book / Pencil
YetiLegend + Mountain / Mountain range / Glacier / Antarctica
Story + Mountain / Mountain range / Glacier / Antarctica
YogurtBacteria + Milk / Ice cream
ZombieCorpse + Life / Story / Bacteria
Human + Zombie
ZooAnimal + Container / Cage

All Cheats for Little Alchemy

Little Alchemy has 580 Items/Elements that you can discover. As you will find out, some of them make perfect sense (like Water and Earth giving Mud), but some of them are totally abstract and require a bit of your imagination (like Love and Time creating a Life).

Here is the complete list of all combinations in Little Alchemy:

We will update this part of the article soon!

We hope you found our article helpful. For more on Little Alchemy and Little Alchemy 2, see How to Make Life in Little Alchemy and Little Alchemy 2 and How to Make a Human in Little Alchemy and Little Alchemy 2.