Image via Brainwash Gang

All Cards in Friends vs Friends Ranked – Tier List

Change the pace of the game by dealing the perfect card

In Friends vs Friends your aiming capabilities are just as important as the Card Deck you wield. Whilst you may be starting with a bit of a bad hand, through Levelling Up and gaining XP by just playing the game, you will find yourself having built a lethal collection that can completely change the tide of the round. Whether you are someone who absorbs more damage than they would like to admit, or find yourself consistently hitting those headshots by altering the environment and your opponent to gain the upper hand, your Cards require strategy in when to pick them. For these reasons, this is Vincent’s guide on our Gamer Journalist ranking of all Friends vs Friends Cards.

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Friends vs Friends Cards Summary

Although you cannot specifically choose which brand new Card to use in the next match, by Levelling Up and earning Booster Packs, players can build up their Cards dependant on the character they are rocking in Friends vs Friends. Once the Deck is built upon, you can go ahead and filter out anything that we deem to be less viable in your matches. These can change depending on your playstyle and how often you find yourself using the Cards offered in your Deck per match. Although the Deck is also randomized per round, it is best to have a more balanced Deck in your arsenal. From Buffs – granted an advantage for the round or a Debuff – punishing your enemy.

Something that may be somewhat overlooked is the Weapons Cards which are actually incredibly overworked right now. This is because a lot of characters do not start with a Weapon, whilst others are gifted something powerful off the mark. You will often find yourself with a pistol and perhaps, face-to-face with a Sniper or Katana. Because of this, having at least 2 Weapon Cards available in your Deck are game-changers for Friends vs Friends.

We will also outline which Personality Cards are better than others, as you may find that the Character you choose is not as viable in a fight than another. Whilst this shows obvious bias towards specific Characters, this is unfortunately an unbalanced system that is currently in place which will massively affect who you choose to play as. Most players will likely pick a character based on their Weapon or Personality, rather than the way they actually look.

Related: How to Play Friends vs Friends – How to Play with Friends, Get New Skins, and Level Up Easy.

Cards Tier List for Friends vs Friends

Buff Cards

S Tier

Card NameCard Description
Vampire BulletsHeals you with every bullet you successfully hit on your opponent
Steel BulletsDeal more damage
Bomb LoverThrows Bomb with every Card you deal
Med Kit80 HP
Health UpIncrease Max Health
Predator VisionSee through walls

A Tier

Card NameCard Description
InvisibleInvisible until you shoot (works like Sombra in Overwatch)
Bullet TimeSlows down time for a short duration
Poison BulletsDeals poison damage whilst allowing you to track their movements
HelmetReduces headshot damage taken
Energy DrinkIncreases speed (mobility and reload) and decreases Weapon bullet spread
Bigger ExplosionDeals more damage with explosives
Thick SkinExplosive damage resistance

B Tier

Card NameCard Description
Small HeadShrinks your head so you are a harder target to get head shots on
Double JumpAllows you to continuously jump around the map, making you a harder target to hit
Move FasterIncreases movement speed
Tin ManBecome bulletproof but you slow down

C Tier

Card NameCard Description
Green HerbReplenishes 30 HP
More AccuracyIncreases precision by reducing the bullet spread of your Weapon
Phantom BulletsShoot through walls
Big MagIncreases bullets in magazine
Love LetterReplenishes a bit of HP then sends the same Card one member on the opposing team for one round.

Debuff Cards

S Tier

Card NameCard Description
Invisible HandOpponent cannot see what is in their hand
Move SlowerOpponent is slowed
Mind BlowingHas opponent’s brain hover above them for a one-shot kill headshot on the brain itself
Rubber BulletsLess damage dealt in opponent’s Weapons
PoisonDeals damage over time and allows you to watch their movement

A Tier

Card NameCard Description
Swap WeaponsSwaps your Weapon with the opposition
Big HeadIncreases opponent’s head size
Less AccuracyMakes the opponent’s bullet spread less accurate
Empty MagNo bullets in opponent’s magazine
No JumpOpponents cannot jump
Health DownLess Max Health

B Tier

Card NameCard Description
Garbage DayDeals useless Cards to your opponent’s hand
Small MagReduces opponent’s bullets in magazine
PoisonDeals damage over time and allows you to watch their movements
Barbed CardsDamage taken from Cards when dealt by opponent

C Tier

Card NameCard Description
Pixel-VisionTurns opponent’s vision into pixels
Invisible HealthHides opponent’s Health Bar

Weapon Cards

  • S Tier – Katana and Punch-R
  • A Tier – Lieka and Boomstick
  • B Tier – Brasshopper

Personality Cards – Characters

  • S Tier – Increased Damage (Spike Remington), Increased Health (Donnie B), Katana Default Weapon (Sable Santana) and Increased Speed (Haru)
  • A Tier – Explosion Resistance (Little Lars) and Brasshopper Default Weapon (Myk Raver)
  • B Tier – Double Jump (Moose Salto) and Custom Boira-9 (Stevie Gull)
  • C Tier – Green Herb (Duck Anderson) and More Accuracy (DJ Newton)

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Image of Hadley Vincent
Hadley Vincent
Hadley is a Freelance Writer for Gamer Journalist. They have been with the company since October 2022. With a BSc Honors in Psychology, Hadley focuses their creativity and passion for Video Games by primarily covering Horror, FPS, and anything with a great narrative. You will often find Hadley covering the latest indie horror games or deploying into Call of Duty's DMZ. They love a good story and one that can keep them up at night, be that for its scares or its lore.