evil in little alchemy 2
Image via Recloak

How to make Evil in Little Alchemy 2

A basic item with a complex creation.

Little Alchemy 2 isn’t just about chemistry or the laws of physics. It can also be about fiction and fantasy, containing ghouls and gods and terrors. Despite Evil being a starting element, you may be curious to see how you can create it, or your completionist stride may be demanding an answer. Either way, here is how to create Evil in Little Alchemy 2

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How to create Evil in Little Alchemy 2

Purchasing the Myths and Monsters pack

payment in little alchemy 2
Image via Recloak

If you want to create this element, you’ll need to download the app and purchase the Myths and Monsters pack to unlock more starting elements that will allow you to create the items needed. The web browser version does not allow you to play with the required pack.

Note that you will be starting from scratch if you don’t have the app already.

Creating a Human

human in little alchemy 2
Image via Recloak

To create Evil, you’ll need to combine a human with Pandora’s Box, so follow these instructions carefully to create your human:

  1. Earth + Water = Mud
  2. Earth + Fire = Lava
  3. Lava + Air = Stone
  4. Stone + Mud = Clay
  5. Water + Water = Puddle
  6. Puddle + Water = Pond
  7. Pond + Water = Lake
  8. Lake + Water = Sea
  9. Sea + Earth = Primordial Soup
  10. Fire + Fire = Energy
  11. Primordial Soup + Energy = Life
  12. Life + Clay = Human

Put the human aside for now, or make a copy to plan ahead for the creation of Pandora’s Box

Related: How to Make a Bee in Little Alchemy 2

Creating Pandora’s Box

pandora's box in little alchemy 2
Image via Recloak

This is a very long chain of creations, so pay attention and follow fully:

  1. Earth + Earth = Land
  2. Land + Earth = Continent
  3. Continent + Continent = Planet
  4. Planet + Air = Atmosphere
  5. Atmosphere + Water = Cloud
  6. Cloud + Water = Rain
  7. Earth + Life = Soil
  8. Rain + Soil = Plant
  9. Sea + Water = Ocean
  10. Human + Ocean = Sailor
  11. Sailor + Sailor = Idea
  12. Human + Idea = Philosophy
  13. Philosophy + Planet = Big
  14. Big + Plant = Tree
  15. Planet + Fire = Sun
  16. Sun + Energy = Solar Cell
  17. Solar Cell + Sun = Electricity
  18. Air + Stone = Sand
  19. Sand + Fire = Glass
  20. Electricity + Glass = Light Bulb
  21. Light Bulb + Tree = Christmas Tree
  22. Christmas Tree + Human = Santa
  23. Air + Fire = Smoke
  24. Smoke + Stone = Chimney
  25. Chimney + Santa = Gift
  26. Human + Immortality = Deity
  27. Gift + Deity = Pandora’s Box
  28. Pandora’s Box + Human = Evil

Keep an eye on Gamer Journalist for more gaming and Little Alchemy 2 content, such as how to make the sky.
