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5 Letter Words with WIC in the Middle – Wordle Guides

More words than you can shake a WICk at.

W has always been one of those letters that you never really think about until it’s right in front of you. It’s probably one of the least distinctive of the last five letters of the alphabet, which is ironic because it has the longest name of any letter. In spite of this, it’s still in plenty of words, some of which you may use a lot. For example, here’s a list of 5 letter words with WIC in the middle for Wordle.

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5 Letter Words with WIC in the Middle

Now, I know I just said W is in plenty of words, and it is. WIC, however, is an outlier there because that particular combination of letters is only in one word, at least when it’s in the middle of five-letter words. It is, however, a word you probably get more use out of than you’d realize.

To help us find that mystery word, we’ve employed the services of the Wordle Helper utility, master of language. With its aid, we found the single 5 letter word with WIC in the middle.

The only 5 letter word with WIC in the middle is TWICE.

There’s the word you’re looking for if the name of your game is 5 letter words with WIC in the middle for Wordle. Try not to forget about W again as soon as you finish reading this paragraph. For other word puzzles, W-based or otherwise, check out our Wordle section here on Gamer Journalist. We’ve got new guides and info going up every day for various letter combinations and placements.

Image of Daniel Trock
Daniel Trock
Since the first time he picked up a controller as a child, Daniel has been a dyed-in-the-wool gaming fanatic, with a Steam library numbering over 600 games. His favorite pastime, aside from playing games, is doing deep dives on game wikis to learn more about their lore and characters.