Whether you’re a Minecraft veteran or are just now getting into the game, the limitless possibilities within this classic sandbox game can seem daunting.
If you find yourself unsure of where to begin or are just plain tired of the Minecraft monotony, here’s a comprehensive list of the most fun things to do in Minecraft.
25 Funnest Things to Do in Minecraft
1. Slay the Ender Dragon
Although killing the Ender Dragon may seem like the end of your playthrough, there are so many fun things to do after the main story ends! That’s not to say that slaying the Ender Dragon is easy – there are many Minecraft veterans that still struggle with fighting the Ender Dragon alone, despite having years of experience. Slaying the Ender Dragon may seem like a difficult task, but it’s one of the most rewarding experiences in the game.
2. Explore the End Cities
After slaying the Ender Dragon, players will gain access to what is known as the End Cities. End Cities are floating islands in the End, accessible only via a randomly spawning portal, bridging out to them using blocks, or using ender pearls. Not only do these cities hold mysterious structures and mobs, but they also hold many rare treasures! In these End Cities, you can find hidden chests with powerful weapons, armor, rare ingots, and even diamonds! These End Cities are also the only place players can acquire Elytra.
3. Hunt for Rare Items
Although many rare items in Minecraft are difficult to obtain, they make the game much more fun and easier to play. Not every rare item in Minecraft is worth hunting down, but some of the most rewarding items include the Totem of Undying, the Elytra, and Enchanted Golden Apples. These items are unable to be crafted, making them a rare resource that any player would be lucky to find!
4. Build Redstone Contraptions
Building anything in Minecraft is fun but building with Redstone makes it even more special. Redstone can be used to create an innumerable number of contraptions, from automatic doors and lights to functioning calculators and traps! Whether it’s to upgrade your base or build a mechanized structure, building with Redstone keeps the game fun and entertaining for all players!
5. Fight the Wither
If fighting the Ender Dragon wasn’t enough of a challenge, try summoning and fighting the Wither! The Wither is not a naturally spawning boss, it’s a player-created boss that is constructed out of soul sand and Wither Skulls. This boss is no joke, it shoots explosive skulls at the player and anything that moves, many players consider the Wither to be even more of a challenge than the Ender Dragon!
6. Brew Potions
Potions are incredibly useful in Minecraft and are immensely fun to make! Potion brewing in Minecraft is the closest most will ever get to becoming an alchemist, which is part of the reason why it’s so fun. There are currently 28 different potions in Minecraft, so mixing and matching ingredients until you get the right combination is a fun pastime in the game.
7. Tame Mobs to Make Pets
Whether you’re looking for a loyal companion or a hunting partner, Minecraft has plenty of tamable mobs to choose from. Currently, players can tame up to 11 different mobs in Minecraft, and there’s no limit to how many pets you can have. Not all tamed pets will fight alongside you in battle, but the ones that do prove to be extremely useful while exploring or hunting.
8. Hunt for Villages
Villages are some of the best places to explore in Minecraft, due to their safety from most mobs and their tendency to hold substantial amounts of loot. Most villages are protected by naturally spawning iron golems, which takes a bit of pressure off the player. They’re also full of food and various animals, and can even contain weapons and armor!
9. Track Down the Stronghold
To beat the game and slay the Ender Dragon, players will first need to locate a stronghold. Strongholds are dungeons that contain the portal to the End; they normally spawn underground, near villages. These strongholds are usually huge and fun to explore, with multiple rooms and hidden chests containing valuable treasures!
10. Make a Mob Farm
Need a lot of loot but don’t feel like hunting down mobs to get it? Build a mob farm! Most mob farms are generally easy to make and can be uniquely built depending upon what mob you are farming. Farms for passive mobs tend to be easier to make, but hostile mob farms aren’t impossible and can be just as rewarding to build.

11. Hunt for Pillagers
Pillagers are relatively new hostile mobs; they are incredibly tough to beat and only seem to show up when you’re unprepared. However, when Pillagers are defeated, they drop valuable items such as weapons, iron armor, and emeralds. Although primarily nomadic, Pillagers do have home bases called Pillager Outposts, where players can find incredibly rare items and weapons.
12. Start Raids in Villages
After defeating a gang of Pillagers, players will receive what is known as the Bad Omen effect, which only comes into play when entering a village. If a player enters a village with the Bad Omen effect, multiple groups of Pillagers will spawn near the village and try to kill the player and the villagers. Although they may seem stressful, raids can prove to be rewarding challenges for players. After all the Pillagers have been killed in the raid, the player can get a Totem of Undying, which is a rare item that will save the player who holds it from certain death.
13. Craft Beehives and Become a Beekeeper
Bee nests are naturally spawning structures in Minecraft, commonly found in Flower Forest biomes. Bee nests are an unlimited resource for honey and honeycomb, which can be used in crafting or as a food source. Bees are breedable and will move into any empty beehives nearby, which makes them easy to contain for farming. Minecraft bees are also absurdly cute, easy to farm, and even help pollinate crops if you have a farm nearby!
14. Search for Nether Fortresses
Although difficult to find, Nether Fortresses are the most important structures in the Nether. To brew potions, defeat the Ender Dragon, or summon the Wither, finding a Nether Fortress is essential! These sprawling structures are some of the most fun structures to explore in Minecraft; they’re full of amazing loot, tough mobs, and everything you need to beat the game!
15. Fishing
Fishing may not sound fun at first, but it can actually be one of the most fun and rewarding pastimes in the game. Not only can you catch many different types of fish, but you can also fish up various amazing treasures! Besides tropical fish that can be used for brewing useful potions, you can also expect to fish up name tags, bows, saddles, nautilus shells, enchanted books, and even other fishing rods!
16. Trade with Zombie Piglins
Zombie Piglins live in the Nether and have one weakness – gold. If you throw gold ingots at a Zombie Piglin, he will take them and throw other items back at you. This creates a bizarre but extremely beneficial barter system, where you can acquire valuable items such as crying obsidian, ender pearls, enchanted iron boots, potions of fire resistance, and books enchanted with soul speed. Luckily, these mobs aren’t hostile until you hit one of them, aren’t wearing any gold armor, or are seen mining gold near them.
17. Search for New Biomes
Minecraft has been getting some crazy new biomes in recent years. These new biomes contain new mobs, new items, and new structures, making them especially fun to explore! These new biomes include The Badlands, Meadows, Groves, Snowy Slopes, and Lush Caves. Exploring and discovering all the new biomes and the secrets they hold is one of the most rewarding things in Minecraft.
18. Build a Secret Base
The only thing more fun than building a base is building a secret one! Secret bases are a great way to hide from hostile mobs or other players and are fantastic places to store valuable or rare items.
19. Mine for Diamonds
When all else fails, mine for diamonds. Diamonds are a valuable resource for players and can be most commonly found by mining below y-level 15. Nothing beats the rush of excitement at seeing diamond ore blocks hiding in the corner of a cave, no matter how stale Minecraft gets.
20. Build in Creative Mode
Building is one of the best parts of Minecraft and doing so with an unlimited number of resources makes it even better! With every block in the game at your disposal, building becomes fun and almost effortless.

21. Craft a Beacon
Beacons are incredibly expensive to make but are also incredibly worth it. Not only do they look really cool, but they also upgrade your stats and can act as homing beacons for those who get lost while exploring.
22. Explore Different Mods
Bored of the inevitable monotony of survival Minecraft? Try adding a few mods! Mods are downloadable modifications to the game that alter the gameplay in some way. There are hundreds of mods out there, from basic furniture mods to insane weapons mods. There are even mods that add ridable dragons to Minecraft! With the exponentially growing number of mods out there, it might just officially be impossible to ever get bored of Minecraft.
23. Mine for Netherite in the Nether
Netherite is now officially the strongest material in Minecraft; unfortunately, it’s also the rarest. Players really have to jump through hoops to obtain even one Netherite ingot, let alone enough ingots to create weapons or an entire armor set. Although it’s difficult to find and craft Netherite, it’s one of the most advantageous materials in the game and can be fun to track down.
24. Locate and Dig Up Fossils
Fossils are naturally occurring structures that can be found throughout Minecraft. They’re most commonly made of bone blocks but can be made of coal ore or even diamond ore! These massive structures are exciting to stumble across, and even more exciting to dig up!
25. Go Nuts with TNT
This list is ending off with a bang – literally! The only thing more fun than building in Minecraft is destroying, and TNT is made for just that purpose. TNT is incredibly easy to make and incredibly easy to use; blowing stuff up in Minecraft is as effortless as it is exciting!
Published: May 24, 2022 04:53 pm