Riot Games is finally releasing its competitive ranked queue system for Valorant, the new competitive first-person shooter.
Ranked mode is arriving today in North America, Brazil, and Latin America regions at 5:00 pm EST. Oceania, Korea, and areas of APAC can look forward to ranked at 4:00 pm EST. Europe, Russia, Turkey, and CIS can expect competitive queues to open tonight at 10 pm EST.
Yesterday, Joe Ziegler of Riot Games talked about delaying competitive until some game-breaking matchmaking bugs could be addressed. It looks like the team was able to iron out the issue within a day. One bug, in particular, was allowing players to spawn on the opposing team’s side. Another bug allowed players to enter ghost mode in matches.
Both of the bugs, and a few others, were detrimental to the game, so Riot Games chose to delay competitive a little longer. Luckily, the wait was only a day. Riot Games did not initially include competitive on launch because of some underlying issues with the system. Not everyone was able to access closed beta, so this downtime was beneficial for new players to adjust and learn the game.
See also: Valorant Ranked: how it works
Valorant Ranks
In the new competitive system, the top tier of players was renamed from Valorant to Radiant to avoid any confusion. There are a total of eight Valorant ranks each with their own badge, including:
- Iron
- Bronze
- Silver
- Gold
- Platinum
- Diamond
- Immortal
- Radiant

To attain a rank, players must first complete twenty unranked matches. Players will then get into any one of the eight ranks. There are three tiers per rank, except for the top Radiant tier, which is reserved for only the most skilled players. See where you stand in the rankings today after Valorant opens up its doors to competitive.
Published: Jun 24, 2020 08:07 pm