Age of Empires 4 is a 2021 strategy game based around conquering others and raising your civilization to immortality. Released by Microsoft, this videogame forces players to think tactically as they develop a nation, maintain a functioning economy and manage threats to their empire. The most intriguing part of this game is that these threats can come from anywhere, and thus you must prepare for danger of any kind.
Age of Empires 4 offers a fresh gaming experience to players every time they play, as there are plenty of civilizations to choose from in order to spice up your gameplay. There are many different benefits and drawbacks to choosing a specific nation. Because of these options, though, many debate which are the best civilizations in the game. Therefore, in this guide we have created a list of some of the strongest nations to choose from in Age of Empires 4.
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Which Nations Are the Best in Age of Empires 4?

There are plenty of different countries that cater to a variety of playstyles in this game. Some are better for playing aggressively, while others are more suited to building up your economy and acting diplomatically. Here is a list of some of the best, listed in a random order.
The Mongols
This nation is very good to pick for aggressive players, as they act quite like their real-world counterparts. A strong choice for Tower Rushing, the Mongols have one of the best mobility stats in the game. Additionally, the Oovo and Khan abilities can each offer them double protection in battle. The Mongols are the perfect selection for anyone who is looking to ruin the games of others, as well as have a fast-paced and exciting campaign.
The Rus
These experienced warriors are strong fighters and thus good for those looking to build their military. Horse Archers and Warrior Monks are constantly at the top of the game’s meta, and the Bounty mechanic they have makes them an alluring pick for any players looking to get an edge in Age of Empires 4. Keep an eye on your resources as the Rus, and you should be set to dominate the field.
The French
Vous parlez Francais? Well then the French would love to partner up with you! They boast very strong crossbows and thus are a threat to any army when fighting from a range. If you get up close though, the French can take you out with their very powerful cavalry. If that was not enough, they also have many economic bonuses which allow them to become a wealthy nation very quickly in the game.
The Chinese
Although they were initially not too strong in this game, the Chinese quickly climbed the ladder of nations due to their unique Fire Lancers and other traits which make them a strong choice. Once they survive both the Dark Age and the Feudal Age, where civilizations such as the Mongols will attempt to quickly take everyone out, the Chinese can become very powerful. However they may be harder for new players to pick up due to their need to stay alive past these early phases of the game to become truly formidable.
If you absolutely can’t get enough of AoE, make sure to check out our Age of Empires IV section. Also, visit the Gamer Journalist on our Facebook to join the discussion and leave us feedback about this tutorial and all our other guides! We would love to hear from you!
Published: Feb 13, 2023 06:42 am