In a post-Undertale world, it makes sense that there would be other games that attempt to capture its magic. As I started Meg’s Monster, all I could think about is how this game could be the next Undertale.
It boasts a familiar premise — a human child falls from their world into a world of monsters, and must find a way home by any means. But, Meg’s Monster twists said premise into a pretzel with its unique battle system that’s equal parts scripted and not. In addition, there’s a wealth of moments packed into this tiny package that left me questioning how much about this world I truly understood.
Review Takeaways
- While it has a familiar premise, it carves out an identity all its own.
- It boasts a unique and interesting battle system, though the battles aren’t much of a challenge.
- Nothing is as it first appears in this world. There are a countless number of twists and turns.
- Its characters are loveable and endearing, and their character arcs can be relatable.
- Final Score: 9/10
Variations on a Familiar Theme

In Meg’s Monster, we play as Roy, a ginormous blue monster with an equally gigantic red arm. It’s never highlighted, nor is a specific reason given for it, but his red arm also has its own giant eyeball, though it seems to be less of an independent organism and more an extension of Roy. In any case, one day, Roy is hanging out with his best bro Golan, eating a metric ton of “Magic Tar,” as he calls it (it’s waste byproduct, and yes, he seems to be the only one who enjoys eating it) when a human named Meg falls to their world.
It’s quickly established that not many humans tend to fall down below, and those who do usually end up as a monster’s snack. But, because Roy isn’t interested in eating anything other than “Magic Tar,” he refuses Golan’s offer to split Meg “half-n-half.” As Golan goes to chomp her up in one bite, she begins to cry — as any child would upon hearing such a horrid threat — and the world around them turns red. It begins to pulsate. The surrounding climate begins to get hotter … and hotter … until Meg stops crying.
Roy and Golan come to the conclusion that when Meg cries, the world around them starts to end. So, they take it upon themselves to protect Meg from the demonic denizens of the underworld who want to add human to their diet. But — it’s not enough to just protect her physically, they must keep her appeased, lest the world fall apart around them. But, as is usually the case, the truth is stranger than fiction, and as you embark on a quest to reunite Meg with her missing mother, you’ll encounter strange and powerful enemies, friends, and … frenemies … that will make you question everything you think you know.
Scripted … But Not??

In Meg’s Monster, the battle system is one that both seems familiar and unfamiliar simultaneously. It’s reminiscent of the old-school Pokémon games for the Game Boy and Game Boy Advance in the sense that it’s a turn-based JRPG where your enemy is on the right-hand side of the screen while we see Roy (and Meg) from behind on the left-hand side.
Both characters have HP bars, and both will take damage when attacked. But, Roy starts off with 99,999 HP, so you don’t need to worry about him. It’s Meg that you really need to worry about, as when her HP reaches zero, the game ends. If it gets low, the screen will begin to turn red and pulsate, signaling that if you don’t do something, the world is going to end.
That said, most battles you’ll find in the game almost feel … scripted. In many cases, losing requires effort from the player. That’s not to suggest you can complete the battles in your sleep or anything — if you aren’t paying attention and if you don’t heal Meg when she needs it, you won’t make it very far. I just mean that, as long as you’re attacking when necessary, healing when necessary, and guarding when necessary, you shouldn’t have much trouble completing the game.
I was very much a fan of some twists in the late-game that I obviously won’t talk too much about here. Because Meg’s Monster clocks in at around 4-5 hours in length, there’s absolutely no grinding. And, your stats increase after each battle. So, there should never be an instance where your enemy is too strong for you to overcome. If you’re having trouble, pay close attention to any new options you’re given.
A Short, But Sweet, Sensation

I was pleasantly surprised by Meg’s Monster. It’s not quite the next Undertale, as I initially thought it might be. It actually serves a different purpose than that game. Meg’s Monster delivers a short, but sweet, story of a little girl who finds a brother in a creature who had never once experienced true connection.
It communicates a profound message: no matter what we go through in life, no matter the people we meet and the ones who disappear from our memories, no one can take away the connection we had. I very much enjoyed the hours I spent with Roy, Golan, Meg, and all of the interesting monsters living in the underworld. And, I’ll never look at a toy rocket ship the same way … ever again.
Thanks for reading this review of Meg’s Monster! Now that you know how we feel about it, why not take a look at some of our other content, such as Review: Smurfs Kart is a Great Karting Game for Fans of the Franchise if Nothing Else and Review: Pharaoh A New Era is a Pleasant Return to the Past! Also, be sure to check out Gamer Journalist on Facebook to stay in the conversation!
Published: Mar 2, 2023 11:40 am